Feedback profile - Roli's Reef Ranch

Feedback summary

Feedback score
2 (+1 /0 /-1)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
Received as seller
Received as buyer
I am a seller posting feedback on Roli's Reef Ranch as buyer
Seller beware. He has bad communication, demands you do certain things. Such as swapping out a coral he bought days prior because he received a free one from someone. He demands you cut him a different coral frag literally hours before shipping, a fresh cut frag. He then also cannot follow a very simple DOA policy. I ask for pictures and strong communication. He does neither. Just sends me a message with NO pictures that says the water was a little cold because the heat pack was only a little warm. Doesn’t say a single other work for over 30 hours and says the corals died. Then complains that it’s my fault and I should’ve known? But yet he didn’t follow my DOA or communicate a thing to me.
Classified ad: For sale Pennsylvania SPS Corals for Sale!!!!
Roli's Reef Ranch
Roli's Reef Ranch
Bought coral which were not packed properly for cooler weather. Bags were cold to the touch and 2 expensive (Homewrecker and Heartbreakers) acros RTN’d over night. After first agreeing to ship on Thursday, he made excuses about the weather and shipped Friday. He also didn’t swap a duplicate frag out for me given ample time. When I pointed out that his ad (still up) said that he could cut more frags he finally said he would, but before I read his response, he shipped it out anyway. The box had a very small heat pack that was shielded from the bags and did not allow for heat transfer. The pack exhausted all the oxygen in the box because it didn’t have a breather hole, a rookie mistake. Even after I contacted him about the cold package he requested pictures and refused to make things right. Why would I need to send pictures of live coral? They were so stressed they died overnight. Buyer beware.