Feedback profile - Reefin Aint Easy

Feedback summary

Feedback score
2 (+2 /0 /-0)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
Received as seller
Received as buyer
I am a buyer posting feedback on Reefin Aint Easy as seller
Great communication and fast shipping. Actually it was incredibly fast shipping, he had the label created minutes after I sent the money and mailed out the next day. He’s like the Amazon of reefers.
Classified ad: For sale New York Tropic Marin All For Reef & Trace Elements! NEW!!
I am a buyer posting feedback on Reefin Aint Easy as seller
Fast shipping & great communication, great seller!
Classified ad: For sale New York (3) Black AI Prime 16HD's & Mounts - LIKE NEW!
Printed Reef - Custom Reef Accessories