Feedback profile - Reef Pro

Feedback summary

Feedback score
4 (+3 /0 /-1)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
Received as seller
Received as buyer
I am a buyer posting feedback on Reef Pro as seller
Reef Pro is super helpful! I placed an order for a fish and he is doing great! I had a question so I emailed them and within 2 hours they responded. Definitely would recommend!
I am a buyer posting feedback on Reef Pro as seller
Good deal on a great product! Will shop with again!
I am a buyer posting feedback on Reef Pro as seller
Healthy fish, amazing selection, fair prices, excellent customer service, and every order is packaged very well. I‘ve placed several orders with Reef Pro and plan to place several more. Definitely a top-notch vendor!
Reef Pro
Reef Pro
Thank you for the kind words @SaltyT ! Glad you are happy with everything!