Understanding nutrient limitations

Pros: My weakness is chemistry. This article helped me grasp the chemistry aspect more in context of the biology that I do understand.
Cons: I do not have any criticisms.
As I explained in the 'Pros', I do not understand the chemistry aspect of aquaria very well. My strength is my understanding of the biological. Being an older reefer, most of us set our marine aquariums up using live rock (from the ocean), sand and perhaps macro algae. That seeded our tanks with the diversity of bacteria necessary to keep a successful softie/LPS reef and was biologically sound in it's premise.

With the advances in equipment development that can change the natural balance of a system, this article helped me recognize where possible adjustments might need to be made should I add other methods of filtration. However I do have to say that since my long time method of live rock, sand, macro algae and water changes has worked for me for decades, I am not likely to change now.


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Pros: simple not wordy
Cons: new users might need more context
A simple approach that helps explain the interconenctive elemental N, P, and C
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Reactions: nefretier
Pros: None
Cons: Doesn’t qualify as a good thread let alone an article
Poorly written.
Unsubstantiated claims requiring reader to validate findings themselves.
Lacks purpose or reason for existing.
Lazy writing consisting of little more then a persons notes on a topic they can’t validate their own understanding of.

Ways to improve:
Call article ”Cheat Sheet For Nutrients”
Provide suggested action for a particular instance and link to information and research substantiating that action. Many of the suggested actions are highly criticized and debated requiring further elaboration and supporting evidence.

Do better then a Triton List of Suggestions.
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Thank you for taking the time to review the article, unfortunately the article is not making any claims, it is solely suggesting how some bacteria species and common filtration methods “may” affect the overall inorganic nutrients in a salt water aquarium this kind of suggestion normally don’t require evidence as they are common knowledge.
I also find the way that it is written fairly average for the section were this article is positioned (General Reefing), it is very disappointing that both reviews on this article seem more of a personal issues with the author instead of being rated on the actual content of the article, both members commented on the discussion thread to post they’re feeling although none seemed to ask any questions regarding the nature of the reviews.

Long, tediously written, Lacks any useful insight. Full of useless phrases like “lowered phosphates may indicate phosphates are decreasing.”

also many typos.
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It’s unfortunate that you miss understood the phrase

“ Phosphates decreasing
It may mean P is starting to be less available”

This is a reference to phosphates that is inorganic to phosphorus that is a organic nutrient.

We can only test for inorganic nutrients with our test kits C N P are organic nutrients.
Reef Diaper