REEF OF THE MONTH - November 2021: Leo's 160-gallon SPS Garden

Pros: - lighting -filtration - stock list - everything
Cons: - could use some nice sand
what an amazing tank, it is a beautiful tank that has literally all of the top tier equipment. although i do think that you could add some more macro algae to a refugium and i also think that some nice cleaner small grain sand would look nice although it would be very tough to clean.
Pros: Incredible setup & display
Cons: None
Jaw Dropping Beauty! Wow this is a amazing reef :)
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Reactions: lilithereefer
Pros: Spectacular Display
Cons: None
Well done!! A very beautiful and well thought out system
Pros: Everything! An amazing tank.
You have an amazing tank. I can't believe you have never tested nutrients, I test just about every day. I love your system.
Pros: Color, variety
What an incredible acro display! I used to think I was never going to do acropora, but man - it's tanks like this that sometimes make me think what my next build will be!

Stunning tank, beautiful vibrant corals, love the budget technology in some areas.
nice job!
Pros: Looks Absolutely Amazing
Cons: none
The close proximity makes this reef outstanding
Pros: Beautiful a Dream Tank
You will be one of my examples to follow, great aquarium.
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Reactions: johnreef
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