Great colours, but the most amazing line I read was that your tang is 10 years old!!! Many, many congrats. And we won't tell him/her he isn't your fave!!
Excellent article, beautiful tank and very informative on how such a beautiful tank has been successfully kept. Love the amount of growth on the sticks in such a short amount of time!
Denadai always help the other aquarists and try to show that it should not be complicate to keep a reef aquarium, of course the technology is here to help us but the technology don´t make your aquarium better or worst but it is a not mandatory tool. Thanks Denadai for your support for all Brazilian aquarists.
Realmente um dos aquários mais lindos que já vi.
Acompanho o @Roberto Denadai a um tempo e evolução desse recife dele aprendi muito com ele e suas dicas.
Hoje levo o aquarismo de forma mais fácil e controlada.