
Marine Depot is excited to announce we've teamed with Hanna Instruments and Reef2Reef once again to MAKE TESTING EASY IN 2019!

5 winners will be randomly selected on January 25, 2019 to receive:
Each prize pack has a retail value of $119. The total value of all the prizes we are giving away is almost $600!

It's super-duper easy to enter and YOU CAN ENTER UP TO 4 TIMES (plus BONUS entries)!
  1. Subscribe to Marine Depot’s YouTube channel ENTRY #1
  2. Subscribe to Hanna's Newsletter ENTRY #2
  3. Follow Marine Depot and/or Hanna on Instagram ENTRY #3
  4. Share any thread from Reef2Reef on Facebook with the hashtag #IloveR2R. ENTRY #4
BONUS: After you've entered at least once, come back to this thread and leave a comment to tell us how you currently measure your salinity, temperature, and phosphate levels.

BONUS ENTRY FOR R2R SUPPORTING & PARTNER MEMBERS: This is an entry option that is only available if you are a Reef2Reef Supporting or Partner Member. If you are a supporting/partner member please make a post in this thread stating that you are a R2R supporter/partner. If you're not a supporting member, but would like more info on how to sign up, CLICK HERE.

Drawing of Prizes and Notification of Winnings

Entries accepted through January 27, 2019. The winner will be chosen by random draw and announced on January 28, 2019.

At the end of the contest we will choose the winner via a random number generator. The winner's username will be tagged in the winning announcement. We will not email, pm, or contact the winner other than tagging the winning name. Be sure to check back to claim your prize. If it is not claimed within 2 days we will do a re-pick and so on until the prize is claimed.

Special Thanks to @MarineDepot and @Hanna Instruments for sponsoring this amazing giveaway!
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