Yasha Hase's Waterbox 6025 peninsula build

Yasha Hase

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Jan 14, 2019
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This tank has been wet for a month and a half at this point getting salt on July third and having the tank transfer from my IM 20 peninsula on the 6th. The tank itself was just a sparkle in my eye over a year ago when I began the process of converting the majority of my garage into a dining room in the March of 2023. In hindsight I would have liked to go wider at 30 inches but there isn't much available standard in the five foot range to begin with. Nobody asked to see remodel pictures but being the 9 month staging process for this tank I'm including them anyway! I received the tank January 4th and took a leisurely 7 months getting everything setup. The dining room conversion left me with a weird 10 foot long by 4.5 foot wide mini garage which after a rust-oleum RockSolid epoxy coating on the floor as well as some spackling and paint on the walls made for an ideal sump room. I also put together a rudimentary mixing station in my basement with a 65 gallon tank filling with rodi and a freestanding 33 gallon brute trash can for a saltwater AWC.

Here's the IM 20 approximately 3 months before the transfer


And here is the beginning of the renovation to create room for the aquarium.


and the space pre renovation. The beam going out from the built in shelves is the one that remains in the following picture.

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The stand for the sump in the mini garage being put in place.
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This is the aquarium the day of the transfer.


My sump room as of today complete with wire spaghetti that needs to be managed.

And the 65 gallon RODI container and 33 gallon brute trash can for salt water. Currently doing a 2 gallon water change every 8 hours on this system.

If you have any questions at all about the system please ask! I'll update in a day or two with current and future stocking plans as well as current equipment list and plans/indecision for future equipment/upgrades. I'm also happy to take pictures/ clarify how any of the current equipment is set up as I often find myself having questions as to the mechanics of other members setups.

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Yasha Hase

Yasha Hase

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Jan 14, 2019
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Today was testing day I took the first tests for this aquarium on July 31st which seemed largely normal except for an Alk reading of 4.8 on my Hanna tester. This was very surprising since the tank is very lightly stocked having at the time a single acropora frag a couple montipora frags two torches and two hammers as the only things I would expect to be using the Alk. I tested some fresh mixed reef crystals with the same hanna tester and got a reading of 11.2 DKH that same day and also borrowed a salifert test kit the following day and got the same results. I started doing a 2 gallon water change every 8 hours and added a quarter tsp of pickling lime to the top off water. Fast forward to today following that same regimen and again parameters are normal with my alk having gotten up to 6.6 (it was 6.9 on the 18th so it seems to be getting used.)

I did add about 20 SPS frags on the 8th of august that I got from Coral Love here on the forum which all arrived healthy and impressively packed. Today all but the PC superman which has some tissue recession seem to be doing okay. I am admittedly not particularly experienced with SPS so crossing my fingers with these.
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Current stocking for fish is
2 mocha clowns
2 talbots damsels
3 azure damsels
1 fire fish
1 yellow watchman
1 carpenters flasher wrasse

I'm looking to add a Copperband here in 2 months or so once a have a white worm culture established as I've read people have good luck getting them to eat those. I'm also looking to add two or three fairy wrasses (Lubbock's, Ruby longfin and Kato's) as well as a white tail bristle tooth and a few more gobies down the line.

For equipment the tank is running 4 Kessil 360we's for lights, 2 MP 40's and one Jeabo MLW-30 for powerheads, a Jeabo 80 watt return pump, Clarisea filter roller and an Octopus 200 Int Skimmer. I'm already looking into fill lights as the shadowing on the kessils has me worried about the sps. I also have a 40 watt Aqua UV sterilizer that was given to me that I'm debating setting up.

