Xenia might be dead??? Help


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Jan 1, 2023
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Hey guys so i bought a Xenia from my LFS Today. And i dipped it in Dip X by red sea. I did the 10ml per liter of tank water i floated the bags in the clean biwl of tank water then mixed the dip x. Using my coral tweezers i pulled them out and set them in the bowl. I used a turky baster to gently agitate anything off of them and roated that with gently swishing it in the water to agitate the criters off then after the 15 min i wrinsed in another bowl of tank water with h202 for nuisance algea and to wrinse of the dip then placed on the bottom of my tank in the sand where there is moderate flow. It was a little retracted but was moving in the flow. Left it alone came and checked 6 hours later and it looks like CRAP pieces floating around and what not missing a bunch of its polyps. Did the dips kill it. Could my crabs have decided to munch on it??

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Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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