Wrasse Stopped Eating with White Stringy Poop


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Hello everyone,

I've tried reading some other threads and have read about a number of possible solutions but am wondering if anyone can help me develop some action steps to address my fairy wrasse which has stopped eating and has been dragging long, stringy white poop.

I noticed the poop thing maybe 2 days ago and it is intermittent (sometime he is dragging something, something he is clear), and last night I noticed he was not eating as he normally does. The problem has persisted today and he isn't eating.

I usually feed Rod's mixed with frozen mysis or brine, reefnutrition pods, and reefnutrition pellets. This past week I ran out of Rod's and switched over to primarily pellets, so I am thinking this could partly be the cause. I also understand white, stringy poop could be indicative of an internal parasite.

FWIW, the fish seems to be moving around fine and isn't hiding, but at the same time it doesn't really show interest in food and does seem a bit more skittish than usual. All my coral and other fish look great so I don't think its a water quality issue (phosphate - .06, nitrates - 5 ppm with Hanna checkers).

Other than observe for the time being, does anyone have some suggested steps to take care of this guy? I don't have a quarantine setup so I think my first step would be to procure one with an HOB filter. Any suggestions anyone?

Any other steps? Are there any medications I should purchase? I have formalin but I understand that is more for external parasites than internal ones. Also, when should I get him into QT? If its constipation can it resolve on its own?

Sorry for all the questions and feel free to not answer them all - any help would be appreciated.

Thanks everyone!
Nutramar Foods


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Hello everyone,

I've tried reading some other threads and have read about a number of possible solutions but am wondering if anyone can help me develop some action steps to address my fairy wrasse which has stopped eating and has been dragging long, stringy white poop.

I noticed the poop thing maybe 2 days ago and it is intermittent (sometime he is dragging something, something he is clear), and last night I noticed he was not eating as he normally does. The problem has persisted today and he isn't eating.

I usually feed Rod's mixed with frozen mysis or brine, reefnutrition pods, and reefnutrition pellets. This past week I ran out of Rod's and switched over to primarily pellets, so I am thinking this could partly be the cause. I also understand white, stringy poop could be indicative of an internal parasite.

FWIW, the fish seems to be moving around fine and isn't hiding, but at the same time it doesn't really show interest in food and does seem a bit more skittish than usual. All my coral and other fish look great so I don't think its a water quality issue (phosphate - .06, nitrates - 5 ppm with Hanna checkers).

Other than observe for the time being, does anyone have some suggested steps to take care of this guy? I don't have a quarantine setup so I think my first step would be to procure one with an HOB filter. Any suggestions anyone?

Any other steps? Are there any medications I should purchase? I have formalin but I understand that is more for external parasites than internal ones. Also, when should I get him into QT? If its constipation can it resolve on its own?

Sorry for all the questions and feel free to not answer them all - any help would be appreciated.

Thanks everyone!
Pictures under white lighting would be helpful. What I can say prematurely is often white poop can be mimicked by frequent feeding of both mysis and brine shrimp.
with your description, I suspect internal issue but would be supported by symptoms such as pinched head or belly, lethargic behavior and rapid breathing
Constipation not Unusual for wrasses and can be as well. If you can gain his interest, boiling frozen peas and allowing to cook and feed to fish will help with constipation
Assure also that ammonia- nitrate-salinity and water temperature are not elevated
What foods do you feed it?


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Thanks for the feedback. I usually feed Rod's Food mixed with frozen mysis or brine, reefnutrition pods, and reefnutrition pellets. This past week I ran out of Rod's and switched over to primarily pellets. I will check salinity as well but I checked a few days ago and was on point so I doubt that is the issue either. Photos to come, thanks! (fwiw he "looks" normal to me but does seem a bit more lethargic than usual)


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Salinity not raised (33.7 PPT) and he isn't breathing heavy. Body doesn't appear bloated or swollen either to my untrained eye. I took a few photos this morning before the blues turned on but I admittedly am a crappy photographer with an unwilling subject so I hope these photos can be a little helpful...


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I also ordered a 10 gallon QT tank with a HOB filter, cheap fixed temp heater, and ammonia badge so I can get a quick QT set up if necessary. Fortunately I have had a loose mesh bag with media in the sump since I started this tank so I am hoping I can move that QT for some biological filtration. Thanks again everyone!
World Wide Corals


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@vetteguy53081 any thoughts on medictions? Still not eating but fortunately still somewhat active and swimming around. How "contagious" is this and do I need to worry about my other fish? Should I try to get him into QT?

Body proportion looks good. As long as it’s eating, to alleviate any internal possibilities, add seachem metroplex to its food
Also, raise salinity at least 1 point to 34ppt
Contagious I don’t see being an issue

Jay Hemdal

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He's not eating unfortunately so I don't think I can medicate the food. Any other thoughts or just continue to observe. Thanks so much @vetteguy53081

Sorry - I missed your post from over the weekend, did the fish survive?

You might be able to dose it with Metroplex in the water in the treatment tank and get some benefit. Marine fish constantly drink water, so adding medication to the water does get inside them that way, but not at a very high dose.



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Thanks @Jay Hemdal, much appreciated. He is still alive but still not eating. I haven't seen any stringy/white poop for a few days so I am not sure if it's an internal thing if he is just starving himself for whatever reason. FWIW he isn't being bullied and if anything was towards the top of the tank hierarchy.

I ordered the metroplex and it should be here by 10pm according to Amazon. Any specific instruction for dosing the water? Should I try to catch him (would be a tough task tbh) or is it safe to dose in the display with my other fish and corals?

Thanks and any detail/information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to consider myself a "nerd" that loves to learn so let me know if there is anything I can read that may teach me about what is going on.

Thanks again!

Jay Hemdal

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Thanks @Jay Hemdal, much appreciated. He is still alive but still not eating. I haven't seen any stringy/white poop for a few days so I am not sure if it's an internal thing if he is just starving himself for whatever reason. FWIW he isn't being bullied and if anything was towards the top of the tank hierarchy.

I ordered the metroplex and it should be here by 10pm according to Amazon. Any specific instruction for dosing the water? Should I try to catch him (would be a tough task tbh) or is it safe to dose in the display with my other fish and corals?

Thanks and any detail/information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to consider myself a "nerd" that loves to learn so let me know if there is anything I can read that may teach me about what is going on.

Thanks again!
I don’t dose displays with metronidazole, only fish-only in a treatment tank. I know that some people do dose their main tanks, but I think that is risky. It is best to follow the label for dosing….


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I tried catching the wrasse last night but unfortunately was unsuccessful. The little guy is getting more and more lethargic and I fear he may not have much time left. I have the Hospital tank set up so I am hoping I may be able to net him after work and get in the little 10 gallon - the less he swims hopefully the easier it is for me to catch him.

I know @vetteguy53081 mentioned that this probably is not very "contagious" but should I do something to prevent this from spreading to my other fish? Should I medicate the food and feed to the display to prevent some sort of outbreak? Or would the possible destruction to the inverts/coral outweigh the possible benefits to the fish since these issues generally do not spread very easily?

Thanks again to @vetteguy53081 and @Jay Hemdal for the advice, I really appreciate it guys!


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I tried catching the wrasse last night but unfortunately was unsuccessful. The little guy is getting more and more lethargic and I fear he may not have much time left. I have the Hospital tank set up so I am hoping I may be able to net him after work and get in the little 10 gallon - the less he swims hopefully the easier it is for me to catch him.

I know @vetteguy53081 mentioned that this probably is not very "contagious" but should I do something to prevent this from spreading to my other fish? Should I medicate the food and feed to the display to prevent some sort of outbreak? Or would the possible destruction to the inverts/coral outweigh the possible benefits to the fish since these issues generally do not spread very easily?

Thanks again to @vetteguy53081 and @Jay Hemdal for the advice, I really appreciate it guys!
A fish trap would work but if not eating, will not be able to be baited
As bad as it sounds, you may have to pull rocks to get to it


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You're right, pulling the scape sounds far from ideal. I have 90 pounds of rock covered in too much $$ in coral, I fear that breaking things down may not be feasible and could open up pandora's box on a litany of other issues.

How worrisome is this for my other fish? I keep asking but am having a hard time understanding how big of an issue this could turn into if I can't find a way to net this wrasse. Should I feed my other fish the medicated food? I am trying to figure out steps I can take to prevent a "crash," either screwing up and angering my coral or having this parasite spread to all the other tank inhabitants.


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Well I tried catching the wrasse again last night but unfortunately was unsuccessful. Sadly, it is now a moot point - Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.

I woke up this morning and found the poor wrasse dead, getting devoured by my snails/hermits on the sandbed. After giving a dignified burial (aka burying for some fertilizer in the garden), I am a little bit bummed but again would like to circle back to next steps to prevent this problem from metastasizing. @Jay Hemdal and @vetteguy53081 , do you think I should soak some food in the metroplex and feed to the other fish in my display? I have some really cool bimac anthias, white tail kole tang, etc. and I definitely don't want to see any more of my tank inhabitants get sick.

All the best,



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Well I tried catching the wrasse again last night but unfortunately was unsuccessful. Sadly, it is now a moot point - Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.

I woke up this morning and found the poor wrasse dead, getting devoured by my snails/hermits on the sandbed. After giving a dignified burial (aka burying for some fertilizer in the garden), I am a little bit bummed but again would like to circle back to next steps to prevent this problem from metastasizing. @Jay Hemdal and @vetteguy53081 , do you think I should soak some food in the metroplex and feed to the other fish in my display? I have some really cool bimac anthias, white tail kole tang, etc. and I definitely don't want to see any more of my tank inhabitants get sick.

All the best,

Perhaps no need to unless they are thinning, pinched head or also white poop


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Sorry to hear you lost wrasse
Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar

Jay Hemdal

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Thanks, none of the other issues you mentioned, but I will definitely be vigilant and watchful. Jay do you have the same tank on the preemptory feeding of the metroplex?

I don't think that has any benefit, unless you dose it accurately. I'm not sure how "soaking food in Metroplex" got so entrenched in the hobby. Soaking food in medication means that when you add that food to your tank, it is going to soak back out just as fast. Also, nobody has any idea as to the dose they are supplying. The proper way to dose metronidazole orally is 5000ppm bound up in gelatin food. Here is an article I wrote that discusses this:


Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

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