Wrasse Addition Advice



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Jun 29, 2021
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Hello all,

I have just finished quarantining a rhomboid wrasse as well as a blue streak cleaner wrasse and am looking for suggestions on what the best plan to add them to my display tank might be. My display is a 110 gallon tank that currently has:

3 zebra bar dartfish
2 ocellaris clowns
1 engineer goby
1 royal gramma
1 coral beauty angel
1 solorensis wrasse
1 gem tang

I am most concerned about how the solorensis will tolerate the rhomboid, with some minor concerns of the coral beauty bullying both (mostly the rhomboid out of the two, since the cleaner is far faster and more active than the angelfish). I plan to use an acclimation box to introduce these fish, but my question is who is best to put into it? My initial instinct is that itseems obvious to place both newcomers into it so that the current inhabitants get used to them being around, but part of me wonders if it would be best to put the solorensis into the acclimation box and let the two newcomers roam free to establish themselves? I am under the impression that the out of both fairy wrasses, the solorensis is likely to be the more aggressive. I'd be curious to hear of others' experiences in similar situations to this!

Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar


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You should check out thewrasseguy.com

my suggestion is - redo your hard scape - take out the solar and Angel for now - add the two new wrasses - watch if the Gem goes after the rhomboid


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Jun 29, 2021
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Lake Forest
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You should check out thewrasseguy.com

my suggestion is - redo your hard scape - take out the solar and Angel for now - add the two new wrasses - watch if the Gem goes after the rhomboid
A lot of my compatibility research has been based on thewrasseguy's charts. I really should have added the fish in a different order, but we make the best of what we can with current availability and all. :)

I was also strongly considering isolating the angel as well, so that might be the best call. I'm not super concerned about the tang as it hasn't shown any aggression to new tank mates other than when I added the angel (which was brief while they established tank hierarchy; I was watching closely for the first few days ready to pull either out), which also includes the addition of the current solorensis. But you're right, it is always a potential concern.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%