Whose Multiline Is It Anyway?

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Nutramar Foods

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Jun 29, 2022
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Outside of the aquarium world, Liopropoma multilineatum is known as the “many-lined” or “muliti-lined” Perch or Basslet. Inside the aquarium world, it is most often called the Multilineatum Basslet. Less frequently, it gets called the Yellow (or Yellow Lined) Sea Perch. It is a member of the Serranidae family, which includes things like Seabass and Groupers. It's crazy that a family full of fish that are more easily measured in feet would include something like the Multilineatum, a brightly colored little fish that rarely gets bigger than three inches long or so! They are gorgeous fish, with an ombre fade that starts with a pink head into a yellow and pink striped body, with horizontal red and white stripes over the tail section.

Pretty much all Liopropoma Basslets are easy to feed as long as you can get food to them. The primary difficulty in getting them to start eating is them learning when the food truck pulls up! In aquariums with many other fish, the food may be gone before the Basslet realizes there was anything to eat! If this is a problem for you, just use a baster to get some food into their hideout when you feed everything else. Sooner than later, they'll learn feeding times and be out and about to get their share. Here we feed them a mix of meaty foods at least twice a day, and we mix a little Nutramar Pellet in to start them learning what pellets are. The base of the mix is usually Gamma Mysis, Gamma Enriched Brine(s), Gamma Chopped Prawn and Chopped Mussel. Once they are on to the pellets, they'll do well on that alone for at least one of the two (or more) daily feedings. Click here to learn more

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