Hey y’all, good evening.
I need help. I work two jobs the rest of the week (of course) and can’t keep an eye on this fish.
My tank lights have been off for about a half hour. AIO 25g lagoon.
I was heading to bed and heard my ATO turning on repeatedly. I didn’t know what the heck was happening, my tank water level is quite high. Turns out my white barred wrasse was lifeless against the weir surface grate causing the ATO to keep turning on. I gently pushed it off and it kinda sunk and swam into a cave.
It was purchased on 09/01. It has been healthy and active.
The suction is not that high into the back chamber. Obviously a healthy fish doesn’t get sucked onto the weir.
I know they can be susceptible to some parasites. What is worth doing about this?? Thanks so much for your help!!
I need help. I work two jobs the rest of the week (of course) and can’t keep an eye on this fish.
My tank lights have been off for about a half hour. AIO 25g lagoon.
I was heading to bed and heard my ATO turning on repeatedly. I didn’t know what the heck was happening, my tank water level is quite high. Turns out my white barred wrasse was lifeless against the weir surface grate causing the ATO to keep turning on. I gently pushed it off and it kinda sunk and swam into a cave.
It was purchased on 09/01. It has been healthy and active.
The suction is not that high into the back chamber. Obviously a healthy fish doesn’t get sucked onto the weir.
I know they can be susceptible to some parasites. What is worth doing about this?? Thanks so much for your help!!