Where to place Plank for best circulation of food?


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Sep 27, 2021
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Orange County, CA
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Hi all,

I have to order a lid soon and want to make an informed decision on where best to cut the hole. Left or right side (or both with lid?). Here is the tank with the currently planned flow pattern:


The lid will likely be in two pieces, so the plank in the middle won't work. Also, the T-slot light mount will be in the middle about an inch off the glass, so another reason.

The return is overcharged gph to a 1" RFG aimed about halfway up the corner glass (red dot), and the MP40 is meant to provide random counterflow to the bounced-off-flow of the return going right/back. Of course, there are rocks and coral in the middle.

Blue squares are potential spots for the Plank. On the left side, it will be really close to the overflow, so I don't know if foot spit out of the Plank will end up straight in the overflow or will catch bound-back flow and travel right. On the right side, it will drop behind the return, and might end up in a dead-er zone flow-wise. I'm not sure. I could also shift the right blue square a few inches to the left, closer to the middle.

Any thoughts? I'd hate to mess up a custom lid! Thanks!