I saw this leather in my LFS several months ago and loved the look and color, so brought it home and it's been happy far as I know ever since. When asked, the LFS guy said it was a leather. I said, yes, but what kind. Green, he said....
Photo is under blue lights with an orange filter, using my iPhone.
Best guess is some sort of finger coral, but I can't find an exact match in my searches. Have never seen polyps. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Was actually trying to get a good shot of the snail, and ended up with a good photo of the leather.
Photo is under blue lights with an orange filter, using my iPhone.
Best guess is some sort of finger coral, but I can't find an exact match in my searches. Have never seen polyps. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Was actually trying to get a good shot of the snail, and ended up with a good photo of the leather.