What now? Possible bryopsis invasion



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Sep 27, 2021
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Orange County, CA
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My 10g office tank is showing some growth along the glass at the sand bed that could be bryopsis. It looks like the stuff is rooted pretty deep from the side of the glass:

I've had a few fronds of this coming out of the sand before, but the cuc always seemed to beat it back, especially the lettuce nudibranch. However, lettuce slug is gone (suspected went through intake and through filtration when I came in and the filter pad was on its side letting everything through).

I currently keep the tank stable with a combination of macros (brotycladia, codium and pom pom gracilaria), filter feeders (clam, crabs, fans, sponges, tunicates, etc) and addition of 2.5-3mL AFR daily.

Rocks: TBS premium nano rock
Sand: TBS

Tank parameters (red sea, except salifert PO4):
ALK: ~7.3-7.5 in the AM before addition of first dose of AFR
NO3: ~2ppm, sometimes dosing NeoNitro if dipping below 2ppm and happy up to 5ppm.
PO4: really hard to tell. A hanna would probably help here, but I don't want to shell out the money for it--best guess on Salifert is 0.03-0.2ppm
Mg: Always very high in the 1600s range. AFR doesn't seem to affect Mg, and the salt mixes super high
Ca: Always around 490-500ppm. Same as Mg, don't see much change after AFR.

Remaining CUC:
Emerald crab
Few ceriths

So, what to do about this? Get another lettuce slug? I'm afraid it wouldn't do well in the tank given that all of the ulva (original reason for the lettuce slug) is gone and there's just a very small patch of GHA attached to a favia plug. Otherwise, this bryopsis is all it's got to eat. Bit of bubble algae, but not all that much.

If I put in ReefFlux (Flucanozole, if I'm not mistaken), that would almost definitely kill my macros, right?

I haven't tried manual removal yet in fear of it spreading across the tank.

Any advice?

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