What kind of dino it can be, and maybe treatment


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Mar 23, 2023
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I have a pocket microscope Carson 250x. I made a videos of one sample of hair algae on different background. Can anyone identify which dinos are in the video?
It all started when I had the stupidity to clean too much stone in the aquarium from algae with peroxide and vinegar and upset the balance, but at least I got experience with dinos.
(I've had a breakout recently. Did a blackout, I've been gradually getting the warm light colors back on my JEBAO AL-90 for a month now. A little bit of dino is I think are still on the algae and sand, but not as critical, massive and toxic as it was. Well, I also used carbon.
As I understand, on the video there is a chain of diatom oblong algae, some red microorganisms (God forbid it's red cyano, that I haven't dealt with either), a lot of small dinos and less ammount of big ones.
How close is it possible to identify the dino species with a microscope quallity like this, maybe you have some options what it is?
https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/dinoflagellate-identification-guide.671466/ Yeah, i know about this file, but it`s still hard to me to say what specie is it with such 250x zoom.
1. 2. 3. Also i think about some bacteria dosing later to displace them out.
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