What is going on?!


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Oct 26, 2023
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I need help with this setup. I couldnt figure out how to add it here so i have uploaded a video with all of my questions to youtube and the link is below.


I bought this clownfish breeding tank setup 8 months ago. I do not have rocks or substrate so I wouldn't expect an "ugly stage" but maybe it is? I have 11 pairs of clowns and 1 tank has a single anemone as a temp hold. Since clowns need fed very often in order to initiate breeding, I do clean all the leftover food off the bottom every 2-3 days. I use TDO products and New Life Spectrum. I also dose with rotifers/copepods fairly often and a light feed of fresh brewed phyto weekly.

Lights: I rarely ever turn them on. Mostly just to feed so they know it's time to eat but then they go back off. I open my back door so typically have plenty of natural not direct) light in the room. If I do keep the lights on, it's the blue and only for a few hours. Let me know of lighting is an issue.

Salinity- 1.021
PH- 8.0
Ammonia- 0
Nitrite- 0
Nitrate- 36 (not sure why? Food maybe?)
Phosphate- .25 (can't read this test well)
KH- couldn't get it to read at all

1. What is the reddish brown algae and how do I get rid of it?
2. What is the bright green algae patch and is it okay or clean it?
3. Is the lighting okay?
4. Is this too many sponge filters/oxygen?
5. Could the food cause my Nitrates being 36? Is that okay or too high?
6. The Bugs.. are they just bigger grown copepods or amphipods? The ones I dose are very tiny so I don't typically see them this big.
7. Why would my clown eggs suddenly start dying on day 3? I honestly dont think shes eating them. Shes 6.5" and a very experienced mom.

Any other advice or issues you can see or think of would be very much appreciated.

Thank you


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All very normal algae growth. You can scrape it off. Most of us scrape the tank walls every day or 2. There is no way to eliminate it. You only breed clownfish and don’t have any other reefing experience I take it?