An online reef forum has a lot of purposes, uses, and effects -- it can:
How do we rank these and other purposes/uses/effects in order of importance (for example, is it more important to 'be nice' or promote concern for the wild stock that our hobby depends on, when there's a conflict between those two in some certain situation)?
Are there some things that forum users should just say 'no' to, full stop (tangs in a XX gallon; misinformation, encouraging envy)?
Are there possible purposes/uses/benefits of a reef forum that aren't well known, but should be promoted?
The central question, I guess, is: besides inconveniencing fish, what are we all supposed to be doing here?
- help people share technical information
- help people share theoretical/basic knowledge
- help people share evaluative recommendations of many sorts
- aesthetic: 'that would look better with a red coral there'
- husbandry imperatives: 'don't add more fish, they'll fight'
- wider environmental advice: 'don't keep fish species that mostly don't live long in captivity'
- boost egos, in good ways or bad ways
- enable commerce, in good ways and bad ways (stuff people need vs stuff they don't need; also spamming)
- promote community
- help people spread misinformation (bad faith posts/trolling; also spamming)
- encourage envy, and underpin a 'keeping up with the Joneses' attitude
- be a drain on posters/readers time and attention to other things they should be concentrating on (school, family, work)
How do we rank these and other purposes/uses/effects in order of importance (for example, is it more important to 'be nice' or promote concern for the wild stock that our hobby depends on, when there's a conflict between those two in some certain situation)?
Are there some things that forum users should just say 'no' to, full stop (tangs in a XX gallon; misinformation, encouraging envy)?
Are there possible purposes/uses/benefits of a reef forum that aren't well known, but should be promoted?
The central question, I guess, is: besides inconveniencing fish, what are we all supposed to be doing here?