What are some common mistakes when it comes to Aquascaping?


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Apr 27, 2023
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Semi-fun post? Not sure what to type here. General relativity is a physics theory created by Albert Einstein. Apples are indeed a fruit, and not a brand of shampoo. The only reason we find things cute is so we don't eat our children. Any brown box you see is most likely brown. people with thalassophobia who like fish are called, weird.. You did not notice the weird grammar in the last sentence. I, myself, have less then 10 lungs. Most of the world is right-handed. Human cells are usually not found inside of giraffes. Magenta is not real, it is all in your imagination. People who think bannerfish look just like a Moorish Idol are called "Blind". Pastel-colored sticks that, at an extremely slow pace, grow larger would be called ugly by most people if they were not called coral. The average plant is not parasitic. The only thing that separates a Golden Angelfish from being a Melanurus Wrasse is a very long list of reasons they are not the same creature. Most reptiles lack ink-sacs. This is probably long enough.
Note: does not have to be "common", it can just be a mistake that you have seen multiple times
By that logic, I would say making the aquascape "2d", where it lacks depth