What’s wrong with my clown?


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Sep 5, 2020
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This clown was perfectly fine earlier, I left to get water and come home and he’s panting and laying on his side. Before I left I did a water change and added some sand, the other clown is new, I’ve added them to a bucket with clean salt water to try get him away from whatever is wrong with my tank, I’ve tested Ammonia (0ppm), Nitrite (0ppm) and Nitrate (15ppm) along with Phosphates (0ppm) and they’re all perfect readings as I just changed.

Salinity is showing a perfect 1.024, temp is at 26°C (78°F) he’s showing signs of life he’s swimming about a bit more now, but then eventually looks as though he’s tired and rests back on the floor

theres a blenny and a goby still in the tank that are completely fine



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Jul 28, 2018
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Are there any signs of parasites (Marine Velvet) (Ich) (flukes) in your tank? You can look for flukes by doing a water dip for the fish. Marine velvet and ich look like spots on the fish with marine velvet having more of a powdery look. However, Clownfish have a thicker slime coat, so sometimes these symptoms won't show up. If there are no parasites, then the only thing I can think of is fluctuations in your water.


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Sep 5, 2020
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Are there any signs of parasites (Marine Velvet) (Ich) (flukes) in your tank? You can look for flukes by doing a water dip for the fish. Marine velvet and ich look like spots on the fish with marine velvet having more of a powdery look. However, Clownfish have a thicker slime coat, so sometimes these symptoms won't show up. If there are no parasites, then the only thing I can think of is fluctuations in your water.

hi mate, thank you for getting back to me on this! No signs of ick or velvet, I’m not sure how to test for flukes, all the other fish are completely fine, the water change I did was to get rid of some algae that’s been getting out of hand on the rocks and sand and as a result I ended up pulling up a lot of sand so replaced it, obviously the tank then clouds up, when I got back from my LFS he was in this state, I’ve added him back to the main tank now as I’m confident it’s not the water as other fish are fine, he’s panting less and swims every now and then but ultimately he keeps wanting to lie down
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Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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