So, I got a Brand New beautiful waterbox frag 165.6 from waterbox aquarium. Fully assembled and find out it has a big gap on almost all corner, I can slide the paper almost everywhere under the tank. The front right corner is the worst of the bunch, I can see a 2mm gap by my eyes if I look it sideway. Contact the customer support, they told me it should be fine to fill up the water, the foam will depress when I fill it up the water.
Sure I did, after one week, still got gap on 2 corner, I can slide the paper on front right and rear left, (I can still slide paper on the front left but not too much), yes it got better, but do I trust it? NO WAY!!! Especially the whole front panel is "floating" on waterbox and redsea design.
I told them I need a replacement, I can even drop it off to their warehouse and pick up the replacement tank so they can save the shipping (They have a warehouse in Toronto). They told me to submit a claim, sure I did.
Today I got a email back from the "Claim Department"
This is the Quote:
"The leveling mat and aquarium are perfectly fine as they are. Waterbox is not designed like a standard aquarium where the side panes of glass need to be supported by cabinet. As you can see this is the intended design - just like the front of the aquarium overhangs the cabinet to be flush with the cabinet doors. Yes, a standard aquarium would require full bottom support on vertical panes of glass - this is not the case for Waterbox design."
Wow, I guess it's a great design, the front panel can be floating in front of the stand, the corner do not need to be supported, 1/2" glass, no euro bracing, no armor seam. Pretty cool, I know how the support works.
check both of my miracle custom aquarium with the "Crappy" DIY wood stand I can't even slide the paper on the tip of the corner.
This is just a tip of the problems I found with the tank, have a bunch of the "smaller problems" Bad silicone job at the bottom, scratch on the front panel, missing O-ring on the manifold, missing one of the filter sock (they did sent it to me right away), and last night when I took the system off, I found out it's missing the sump divider!!!
I took the system off and put all my cycled water in 5 of the 32 gallon Brute Trash Can. Wife is so ANGERY at me right now and I'm exhausted right now, I just wanna say wow, better go with a custom aquarium if you can, forget about the look of the cabinet, I'm So disappointed right now, I think I make a big mistake. I should just order everything with Miracle this time.
I'll talk to Miracle as well, they are doing a custom in house build for my friend's 800 Gallon Build, and he's 2 mins away from my house, I'll show them the tank and ask for their opinion.
Sure I did, after one week, still got gap on 2 corner, I can slide the paper on front right and rear left, (I can still slide paper on the front left but not too much), yes it got better, but do I trust it? NO WAY!!! Especially the whole front panel is "floating" on waterbox and redsea design.
I told them I need a replacement, I can even drop it off to their warehouse and pick up the replacement tank so they can save the shipping (They have a warehouse in Toronto). They told me to submit a claim, sure I did.
Today I got a email back from the "Claim Department"
This is the Quote:
"The leveling mat and aquarium are perfectly fine as they are. Waterbox is not designed like a standard aquarium where the side panes of glass need to be supported by cabinet. As you can see this is the intended design - just like the front of the aquarium overhangs the cabinet to be flush with the cabinet doors. Yes, a standard aquarium would require full bottom support on vertical panes of glass - this is not the case for Waterbox design."
Wow, I guess it's a great design, the front panel can be floating in front of the stand, the corner do not need to be supported, 1/2" glass, no euro bracing, no armor seam. Pretty cool, I know how the support works.
check both of my miracle custom aquarium with the "Crappy" DIY wood stand I can't even slide the paper on the tip of the corner.
This is just a tip of the problems I found with the tank, have a bunch of the "smaller problems" Bad silicone job at the bottom, scratch on the front panel, missing O-ring on the manifold, missing one of the filter sock (they did sent it to me right away), and last night when I took the system off, I found out it's missing the sump divider!!!
I took the system off and put all my cycled water in 5 of the 32 gallon Brute Trash Can. Wife is so ANGERY at me right now and I'm exhausted right now, I just wanna say wow, better go with a custom aquarium if you can, forget about the look of the cabinet, I'm So disappointed right now, I think I make a big mistake. I should just order everything with Miracle this time.
I'll talk to Miracle as well, they are doing a custom in house build for my friend's 800 Gallon Build, and he's 2 mins away from my house, I'll show them the tank and ask for their opinion.