Water changes or equipment /supplements for nutrient export - a Poll....


What 'method' do you use to keep nitrate and other undesirables (metals for example) in check?

  • Water changes

    Votes: 23 63.9%
  • Carbon

    Votes: 21 58.3%
  • Skimmer

    Votes: 28 77.8%
  • Algae (reactor, refugium, etc)

    Votes: 14 38.9%
  • Triton method with ICP testing

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Other method with ICP testing

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Denitrator

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Biopellets

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Something else

    Votes: 2 5.6%

  • Total voters


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Lately - after a couple items failed and having problems in the past with various algae outbreaks, chemical methods to control algae, etc etc. I've come to the conclusion that 'simpler is better' - So - for my current tank I have a skimmer, some carbon in the sump - and dose 2 part using weekly testing. Since abandoning other methods - chaeto, chemicals, etc - My tank (tested weekly) has never been more 'stable' - with excellent coral growth. I do a 25 percent water change every 2 weeks. I have found I spend less money on this - than I would be with lots of equipment and testing, ICP tests, etc. Of course every tank has a different bio load, corals, etc.

Because there was a large discussion a couple months ago when Triton came out - and many have gone to 'no water change systems' - I thought it might be interesting to revisit the question now that people have more experience.

In the comments - please add the 'reason' - for your choice.

Note - its assumed that the 'Triton method' already uses 'algae' - so you dont need to check that twice
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I think you need to change the poll options, you say you have moved to w/c and carbon, yet the only 2 poll options are w/c or carbon?
Refresh - it posted early - there are several choices now - and you can pick more than one:). Thanks


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I agree “keep it simple stupid” is always a good fall back, but I’m wondering if you are just more experienced now, know you need to keep on top of things so don’t have to use other methods...how long have you been running the new tank this way, is there time for things to go south.

I don’t think people go out of there way to add chemicals etc stuff happens, life gets in the way, you miss a water change etc

If you’re advocating being consistent, then yes you will probably have better results than someone that doesn’t, but if you are saying your simpler way will give better results, I think you need to add a few caveats, that if you stay consistent and you are not unlucky with your next frag purchase you may just get away with it.


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I agree “keep it simple stupid” is always a good fall back, but I’m wondering if you are just more experienced now, know you need to keep on top of things so don’t have to use other methods...how long have you been running the new tank this way, is there time for things to go south.

I don’t think people go out of there way to add chemicals etc stuff happens, life gets in the way, you miss a water change etc

If you’re advocating being consistent, then yes you will probably have better results than someone that doesn’t, but if you are saying your simpler way will give better results, I think you need to add a few caveats, that if you stay consistent and you are not unlucky with your next frag purchase you may just get away with it.

I have had this tank set up for about 15 years (about 5 years ago - I changed from a regular tank/sump - to a red-sea reefer - but I just used the same water, sand, rock pump, skimmer, and moved it over. But - I wasn't trying to imply 'my way was the best way'. The reason for the poll is to get a feeling of 1) what people are doing and 2) to discuss some of the issues with water changes and no water changes. 6 months to a year or more ago - there was a big trend to do no water changes. I tried some of them - and found my tank to be less successful - and more expensive and time-consuming for me. So - yeah - its just a poll:)

Edit - there is always 'time for things to go south' in this hobby - BUT - I don't see 'how' - at least from the nutrient export/avoidance of toxins in the tank (which is the purpose of the poll)


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this is a topic I have been thinking alot about for the new tank RS650P
my plans to remove N&P is ATS, skimmer and AWC of about 1.5 gal a day.

I am all about the natural way and finding balance that said I will run a UV as well to keep the water nice a clear. this should give me the balance and stability I am after.

no all that said there is a possibility of a large 300+ FOWLR system in my feature. there I will do a lot less WC over sized skimmer, ATS , carbon,UV and maybe GFO to find the balance I am after and do 100 gal WC when needed.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%