Maxspect Gyre XF-350 Dual- 450
Simplicity 320D DC skimmer - 250
Simplicity DC 3200 Return pump -100 (no controller)
Hygger pinpoint heater with controller (never seen water)- 50
Lots of shelf rock- 4/lb NO SHIPPING FOR ROCKS
Located 77365 Will cleaan up everything when purchased
Also willing to trade for Radions, kessil, high end corals
Simplicity 320D DC skimmer - 250
Simplicity DC 3200 Return pump -100 (no controller)
Hygger pinpoint heater with controller (never seen water)- 50
Lots of shelf rock- 4/lb NO SHIPPING FOR ROCKS
Located 77365 Will cleaan up everything when purchased
Also willing to trade for Radions, kessil, high end corals