Upgrading Tanks. Help and advice needed and much appreciated!



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Hello folks! Thank you in advance for any help!

I currently own a 40 gallon breeder. I've had it for 4 months and everything is good, parameters are perfect, however, the tank is just not big enough for my livestock and coral.

I purchased a 57 gallow shallow rimless Fiji Cube and just got everything delivered yesterday! I need some advice on moving everything from the 40 to the 57. I've been cycling live rock and bio balls in a plastic tote for a week now, these will be going into my new 57 tank alongside my existing live rocks in my 40.

I'd really appreciate some advice or steps you folks would recommend for the process of getting everything transferred over. Do I take 50% of the water in my existing tank and put it into my new tank? I don't believe I have to cycle the new tank since I'll be putting rocks that already have nitrifying bacteria on them in the new tank as well as filter media from my old tank, would that be safe to assume?

I plan on transferring all my live stock, corals and rocks all at the same time, is that okay? Obviously I'm going to use new sand in the 57, and before I just start transferring things I'll make sure my salinity, water temperature and PH match my existing tank as not to shock anything going into it.

I really just need some steps or advice you guys would recommend. Again, any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!


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Hello folks! Thank you in advance for any help!

I currently own a 40 gallon breeder. I've had it for 4 months and everything is good, parameters are perfect, however, the tank is just not big enough for my livestock and coral.

I purchased a 57 gallow shallow rimless Fiji Cube and just got everything delivered yesterday! I need some advice on moving everything from the 40 to the 57. I've been cycling live rock and bio balls in a plastic tote for a week now, these will be going into my new 57 tank alongside my existing live rocks in my 40.

I'd really appreciate some advice or steps you folks would recommend for the process of getting everything transferred over. Do I take 50% of the water in my existing tank and put it into my new tank? I don't believe I have to cycle the new tank since I'll be putting rocks that already have nitrifying bacteria on them in the new tank as well as filter media from my old tank, would that be safe to assume?

I plan on transferring all my live stock, corals and rocks all at the same time, is that okay? Obviously I'm going to use new sand in the 57, and before I just start transferring things I'll make sure my salinity, water temperature and PH match my existing tank as not to shock anything going into it.

I really just need some steps or advice you guys would recommend. Again, any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hey I understand completely I did this from a 20 gal to a 75 and it went fantastic what I did was I got the new tank completely up and running before adding anything I made sure everything worked for a week then moved everything over at once I only added 30% of the water over and I did add about 20% of the old sand. I added all the used filtration media no new stuff for about two weeks then I kept a bottle of turbo start on stand by just in case I got an ammonia spike but I only had about two clowns and a lot of clean up crew and coral. I would not rush anything make sure you do this when you have three or four days available to watch everything. What tank inhabitants do you have?


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i would do a big water change now, use that to start your new tank mix rest new saltwater , add your new rocks, maybe one from your current display and let it run for a few weeks and cycle then move things over.
slow is best


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If your new tank is not in the same spot your current tank is in then set up the new tank and have it running with the new rock. Pull some water and sand from the existing tank and add it to the new tank to help seed the new rock. I'd let the tank run for a few weeks then make the big switch adding more sand and water from the existing tank.

if your new tank is going in the same spot then continue to cycle the rock by adding water and sand from the existing tank. Make sure the water is heated and moving in the tub. again let it run this way for a weeks and then make the switch.

Either way you do it will disrupt your system and there will be some swings in the new system. I'd test regularly for the first weeks to watch for any major chemistry swings and have water ready for water changes when needed.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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