Turbo snails won’t last, can i save this one?


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Jul 30, 2021
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for some reason turbo snails just don’t last in my tank. I had a Mexican turbo snail for 6-8 months and it recently stopped moving and died. I was supplementing it’s tank algae with seaweed. I replaced it with a zebra turbo about the same size and it died after a few days. I thought this may have been an acclimation issue, less so on the drip acclimation and more on the fact that it was so stuck to the container that i couldn’t get it out for a bit.

A few weeks ago i bought 3 astrea snails and an orange shelled turbo. The astreas seem to be doing just fine, and the turbo was as well, until i found it upside down this morning. This to me has usually spelled the downfall of my snails. If i ever find them upside down, even if i flip them over, they never seem to live. This turbo snail is struggling. Here is a video of how he’s acting.
i have other invertebrates in the tank and lots of corals and they are all doing great. I have 3-4 nassarius snails, a cleaner shrimp, a peppermint shrimp, and a pistol shrimp.

Is there something with my tank that is incompatible with turbos? Maybe the algae is nutritionally poor in my tank?

I tested copper just in case and it was 0.10 on the Hanna high range checker, but i think this is a false positive as it is not in the optimal range for the Hanna checker. Other Params are in check, with my my KH a little on the low side of 7-8dkh. Salinity is 1.026 and i use a ato to keep it stable.
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Mark Novack

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Alk or Ph movement or high nitrates over time can do it. Or diatoms/cyano ingested can be bad for snails too. I had some snail issues and part of it was acclimating them too fast. However, snails need to be replaced occaisionally and just die sometimes.

G Santana

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Join the club, I had a handful of turbos, nice size around the size of a quarter, right around the 8 month mark they started dying one at a time.
They made it through the worst of the uglies and when the tank was free from GHA I too started supplementing with nori but I lost them yet 2 years in my Urchin is still going strong go figure.
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Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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