Trying to keep PH stable - Skimmer run times and CO2 scrubber questions


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Aug 11, 2024
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Frederick, MD
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Trying to stabilize my Ph as much as I can. I know there is debate on chasing PH: Chris Meckley Method

Here is around where I am running:
12:00 am to 3:00 am - 8.25ish Ph
3:00 am to 3:00 pm - 8.15ish Ph
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm - 8.25ish Ph
6:00 pm to 12:00 am - 8.35ish Ph

Blue lights on at 1:00 pm
White lights on at 2:00 pm
White lights off at 10:30 pm
Blue lights off at 12:00 am

I dose Soda ash at:
3:00 am
7:00 am
11:00 am

I have a Ph Controller that cuts off a kalk dose pump and opens a motorized ball valve bypass on my CO2 scrubber. More on my set up is here: My set up

I suspect my phosphate and nitrate levels are too low, so I reduced the amount of biopellets and am turning off my skimmer for 18 hours a day. Corals are looking better, more color and growth.

Here is my question: What is the effect on Ph between running my skimmer with the CO2 scrubber vs turning the skimmer off?

Right now, my ph controller automatically cuts off the scrubber and kalk from around 6:00 pm to 12:00 am. That is also the exact time I currently have my skimmer off, so the scrubber is off anyways. Should I shift my 18 hours of skimmer off time to when my Ph is lower, starting at 3:00 am and then run the skimmer at my peak Ph times with the scrubber bypassed, so it will reduce the Ph faster? I have a home air exchanger that kicks on at 600 CO2 air levels and vents the reef sump room, so my CO2 air levels are not that high.

Thanks for any suggestions.