I seem to have a problem growing cheato. I bought some cheato from Algae Barn a good few months ago and that seems to be a much thicker strain of cheato than what the local reefers and LFS have here. The Algae Barn stuff is hanging in there, but not growing and any of the local stuff just melts away after a week or two.
My No3 is around 7-10 and my Po4 usually 0.03 to 0.07. The huge has a good flow and is lit by an H380 for around 5 hours a night (I decreased it to see if that helped, it didn't).
So with all that I am thinking about an algae scrubber. Supposedly they are more efficient than a refugium and I was wondering if anyone has tried them with Triton. If so would that be other methods or still just Triton since at the end of the day, cheato is a macro algae as is GHA and anything else grown on a scrubber sheet.
My No3 is around 7-10 and my Po4 usually 0.03 to 0.07. The huge has a good flow and is lit by an H380 for around 5 hours a night (I decreased it to see if that helped, it didn't).
So with all that I am thinking about an algae scrubber. Supposedly they are more efficient than a refugium and I was wondering if anyone has tried them with Triton. If so would that be other methods or still just Triton since at the end of the day, cheato is a macro algae as is GHA and anything else grown on a scrubber sheet.