To fritz, or not to fritz. Livestock is the question.


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Looking for some advice on stocking order--

Bought a "new" used 21 gallon (24x16.5x12 high) with 10g sump a week ago. It had Approx 30 lbs of live rock and I re-filled with the original H2O. I added close to 30lbs of new (not cycled) substrate. I've only topped off with RODI from the fish store, no water changes. Just ran my API tests (numbers are in the pics). Salinity is 1.029 (I'm going to bring this down slowly over the next few days by pulling a few cups of tank water and replacing with RODI). Tank has been running with a filter sock but I've left the skimmer off except to dial it in for an hour or three.

Sump has some several-months-old chemipure elite sacks (2) that'll get pulled soon. Rock is clean, but I wonder if the original tank had some algae?

I also added 3 berghia nudis today to clean up some Aiptasia that came in on the rock.

I have 3 brightwell xport bio-blocks that I want to add to the sump--I'll eventually throw in some chaeto and pods. I also have a small bottle of fritz turbo start because I wasn't sure if I would need to cycle the tank again.

So, with where the tank is, I have the following questions:

1. Do I pull the old chemipure and swap with the bio blocks so I can start setting up the refugium?

2. Do I dump the fritz in to help develop bacteria in the new substrate (and bio blocks?). Will this be bad for the nudis?

3. If I add the fritz, when can I add livestock (likely a clown to start. Eventually I'd like a sand sifting goby and maybe a royal Gramma. Recs for other reef-safe nano-safe fish are totally welcome.)

4. How long after livestock should I start to think about a CUC (a few snails and a shrimp)?

Thanks for reading this long post, and thanks for the advice!

PXL_20220129_220629468.jpg PXL_20220129_220449911.jpg PXL_20220129_213751147.jpg


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Sounds like your headed in the right direction but you might be doing too much too fast. 3 xport bricks in a 30g system? If were talking the larger lego-looking 'bricks', you have enough media for like a 500-600g setup, which is way too much! Which specific bricks do you have?

If the nudibranchs are still doing well id take that as evidence the ammonia is gone. the API test kits are not very helpful in determining low ammonia levels.


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Let me start with your fish order of addition. You should add the least aggressive fish first and the most aggressive (Clownfish) last.

Agree with the previous post that the tank is cycled and API is difficult/ impossible to trust.


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Not bricks--sorry--blocks. 2". Have 3, but haven't added any yet.
ok good lol, you prob only need one of those but it won't hurt putting all 3 in.

I generally soak the blocks in the bacteria mix, put them in the sump (w water), then pour the leftover bacteria in the sump and call it a day. Your prob fine to add a fish or two at this point too.

EDIT- after large water change


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Agree with the previous post that the tank is cycled and API is difficult/ impossible to trust.
I was uncertain about whether the new sand substrate would benefit from adding the fritz even though I brought in the live rock from the previous owner. I drained the water into buckets with the rock, disconnected and moved the tank, added sand (he had a bare bottom), and refilled with the same water and rock.

I will seed the bio-blocks before putting them in the sump. Will it harm anything/cause a mini cycle if I dump the rest of the fritz turbo into the tank?

Thanks for the quick replies!


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I was uncertain about whether the new sand substrate would benefit from adding the fritz even though I brought in the live rock from the previous owner. I drained the water into buckets with the rock, disconnected and moved the tank, added sand (he had a bare bottom), and refilled with the same water and rock.

I will seed the bio-blocks before putting them in the sump. Will it harm anything/cause a mini cycle if I dump the rest of the fritz turbo into the tank?

Thanks for the quick replies!
Nope, extra bacteria isn't going to impact the cycle or cause a mini cycle with ammonia and nitrites shooting up. Should be opposite, if anything.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%