Tenting with tanks


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Apr 25, 2023
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So I live in south Florida and the termites here are Bad, we are planning to have our house tented in may, we have had two exterminators come give us quotes, one guy said that the we need to remove the fish from the tanks and the front pond and place them a minimum of 25 feet from the tent, the other guy came in and said that the fish can stay because the chemicals do not penetrate the water so as long as I have and airline oxygenating them from outside the tank and I wrap the tank in a plastic tarp to prevent toxic gas exchange then the fish would be fine. I'm trying to figure out what to do because between all the tanks and ponds there are easily over 100 fish that I need to find tubs for, between the reef fish the FOWLR fish the fresh water the turtles and the KOI im honestly looking at needing to buy at least 8 rubbermaid stock tanks 50-100 gallons each which is gonna end up costing more than the dang tent.

any experience with leaving fish behind in the house? how did you do it?