Tank Transfer SOON



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Hey everyone, i currently have a fluval evo 13.5 and i am upgrading to a IM 50 lagoon this week. just wanted to ask a couple questions to clarify some things and make sure im on the right track. i plan on buying new live rock and re using my current live rock, i also plan on ditching my current sand bed (hate the way it looks and its filled with a million aiptasia) and adding 40 pounds of new fiji pink live sand. i wasnt going to use any of the old water, so i guess i was planning on filling the new tank up with new rock and sand and then once its to the correct temperature and its not too cloudy, i was going to simply transfer my old live stock and rock. im using all new filter media (in tank baskets with chemipure blue and filter floss) and ill be adding the in tank fuge in the next month (not re using my current fuge because its absolutley infested with aiptasia).

my current levels:
salinity 1.026
alk 8.8
Cal 400
mag 1200
nitrate 3
phos .01

current live stock:
two clowns
six line
yellow watchman
fire shrimp
yellow hog fish

bt nem

everything in the current tank is doing great EXCEPT my hammer is doing really bad and my octo spawn has been barely open, they both looked great last week and all of sudden they were looking pretty rough so when i tested everything my salinity was almost 1.028. i took about a gallon of water out of the tank and replaced it with RODI water from ato. it seemed like that ticked off a good bit of the corals but they have all since recovered fully except the hammer and the octo. ill try to get some current pics of the corals but im at work rn lol. SIDE NOTE: its been very cold in my house and my thermometer is reading 76.5 usually, not sure if thats low enough to cause issues?

does my method sound correct? is there any use dosing mag or anything if im using all new water? any things i will need to watch out for after the transfer? i have a bad aiptasia problem but thats in another post i made and i got a good idea of what i have to do lol.

FORGOT TO ADD: i also chopped the massive kenya tree on the left side around the same time ive encountered issues with the hammer and octo, figure thats worth noting.

for these pics, the hammer looks SIGNIFICANTLY worse now and the octo is a bit more closed.






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If you have the space, I'd try to get the new tank nice and fully cycled before moving anything.

I'd use some water (maybe from a big water change), sand and rock from the old tank in the new tank to get things going along.

Also, I love using Bio-Spira and MarinePure media to help seed a new tank.


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I'm going to give you my method which has worked numerous times.

1. Set up your new tank so its ready for use - do a leak test, check for the plumbing, etc.
2. Save the water in your current tank in a fish-safe container. Put your fish and corals into that - with any rock you're going to move to the next tank. Have flow/heating, etc the same as your tank. an airstone if you can.
3. Do not use your old sand.
4. Fill your new tank - start filtration, etc.
5. Add the water from your old tank except save enough to put your fish/coral in bags to acclimate them to the new water. Try to match salinity, etc as much as possible in your new tank.
6. Add any rock (old and new) to your tank
7. Add your fish and corals to the new tank
EDIT - If you have rock with pests etc on it in the old tank - you can scrub them with RODI and a brush - OR even scrub them - and quickly rinse with tap water. This will not affect the bacteria. note - I'm taking about a QUICK rinse.
There is no need to 'cycle' the new tank, if you're not adding another bio load. The rock, etc you're moving will handle it - but just to be sure - I would check ammonia with an alert badge. You can also add some bottled bacteria (like Fritz 9000) to the new tank as an insurance policy.

Hope this helps - and good luck. I'm not saying this is the way you have to do it - but hopefully it gives you some ideas.


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PS - I would have a heater in your tank. 76.5 is not 'too low' - but things seem to do better with a somewhat higher temperature - that doesn't fluctuate a lot. Noting of course - that in nature the temps do fluctuate.


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PS - I would have a heater in your tank. 76.5 is not 'too low' - but things seem to do better with a somewhat higher temperature - that doesn't fluctuate a lot. Noting of course - that in nature the temps do fluctuate.
Thanks for the in depth response. i have had a neotherm titanium heater in there for a couple years but only just got a thermometer to double check the temp and its reading 76.5, could be a faulty thermometer. i have an apex for the new tank so that should help.

So i shouldnt dose mag or anything if im transferring tanks on friday, right? 40 more gallons of new saltwater will balance that out im assuming?
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Thanks for the in depth response. i have had a neotherm titanium heater in there for a couple years but only just got a thermometer to double check the temp and its reading 76.5, could be a faulty thermometer. i have an apex for the new tank so that should help.

So i shouldnt dose mag or anything if im transferring tanks on friday, right? 40 more gallons of new saltwater will balance that out im assuming?
IMHO yes

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