Salt Saint

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Apr 2, 2019
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I have a back surgery coming up and won’t be able to manage my tanks. I’m hoping to help out a new reefer. I’m breaking down two tanks, a 50 and a 70 gal. I could set someone up with live rock, soft corals and some stock. The fish are healthy, large and I’ve had all of them at least 2 years. A Sailfin Tang, Bleenie (almost tame :), some damsels, clown fish, a lot of Nassarius Snails (which are constantly producing babies), a conch and various other clean up crew. We could discuss equipment too. I’m not interested in parting out or selling individual pieces - I’m looking for it to go to one person.
If you’re interested, I’m in north county San Diego and interested in breaking this down soon. I’d be willing to trade the above for help breaking it down (Orthopedist orders!). Send me a message and we can discuss the details.


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Jun 29, 2021
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I have a back surgery coming up and won’t be able to manage my tanks. I’m hoping to help out a new reefer. I’m breaking down two tanks, a 50 and a 70 gal. I could set someone up with live rock, soft corals and some stock. The fish are healthy, large and I’ve had all of them at least 2 years. A Sailfin Tang, Bleenie (almost tame :), some damsels, clown fish, a lot of Nassarius Snails (which are constantly producing babies), a conch and various other clean up crew. We could discuss equipment too. I’m not interested in parting out or selling individual pieces - I’m looking for it to go to one person.
If you’re interested, I’m in north county San Diego and interested in breaking this down soon. I’d be willing to trade the above for help breaking it down (Orthopedist orders!). Send me a message and we can discuss the details.
Hi there! I'm in Carlsbad and am interested in helping out. I can be reached at 7604290413 KC