Tang in 40 gallon



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I recently started a 40g(48x18x12) (have a frag rack on one side and rockwork on the other) and am looking into getting a tang, I have a yellow watchman goby and lawnmower blenny in quarantine to go in soon once it is fully cycled and not much else will be added. Does anybody know how long a small Kole or Tomini possibly stay small enough in it until I upgrade/get another tank or move it to my siblings 90? I look for permanent fish mostly but this would be an exception if it would stay long enough. Any insight is appreciated.


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Apr 23, 2017
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If you have a plan to upgrade to a large tank, yes it's fine, but you only have 4-8 months, if you purchase it small. Once it swims only at the glass, that's an indication it needs to move up to a larger tank ASAP. Your LFS might be able to hold it for you in that case, while you upgrade. But I wouldn't recommend buying one for a 40G, unless you had a plan to upgrade imminently.


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Feb 1, 2018
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I’ve had a Yellow in my 54 for a little over a year. Has grown a good bit. Purchased at about 2 inches and has grown to a little over 3.5 id say. His behavior is perfectly normal and displays no signs of being stressed. I’d say if you purchase either of those fish small they’d last a good while before needing an upgrade. There minimum tank size requirements are smaller than a yellow if I remember correctly. Of course, the more room the better. Not sure what the average growth rate for those particular fish are though. But growth rate seems to vary, even among the same species when you talk to different people. You’ll have some that say, this fish grew 4 inches in a year. And then you have some that have the exact same genus and species grow half of that. Of course a lot of that’s likely due to diet and husbandry. I will say my yellow will be getting a new home very soon though. As soon as the 210 is cycled and matured a bit, it will be transferred after being re-quarantined. I’m sure it will appreciate the extra real estate. Thought I’d throw that in there before the Tang Police come out. Lol!


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Apr 23, 2017
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Washington, DC
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I’ve had a Yellow in my 54 for a little over a year. Has grown a good bit. Purchased at about 2 inches and has grown to a little over 3.5 id say. His behavior is perfectly normal and displays no signs of being stressed. I’d say if you purchase either of those fish small they’d last a good while before needing an upgrade. There minimum tank size requirements are smaller than a yellow if I remember correctly. Of course, the more room the better. Not sure what the average growth rate for those particular fish are though. But growth rate seems to vary, even among the same species when you talk to different people. You’ll have some that say, this fish grew 4 inches in a year. And then you have some that have the exact same genus and species grow half of that. Of course a lot of that’s likely due to diet and husbandry. I will say my yellow will be getting a new home very soon though. As soon as the 210 is cycled and matured a bit, it will be transferred after being re-quarantined. I’m sure it will appreciate the extra real estate. Thought I’d throw that in there before the Tang Police come out. Lol!
Tang police need to chill. If people have a plan to rehome into suitable tanks, it's fine. As long as people don't get lazy and choose not to rehome. That's very cruel to the animals we're caring for.


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Jul 15, 2010
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I say.....your tank....your money - do what you want! keep it for a while then give it back to the store when it gets too big. I'm sure the salmon I had for dinner last night was pretty happy for a while.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%