**CONTAINERS.. dang auto correct
Synergy 10g ATO container. Atomic green
$100 shipped
Vertex 2.5l dosers. One of the stems snapped off, glued back together and works as it should. stackable and comes with pins to hold in place when stacked.
Both $60 shipped
Seaside Aquatics 1.5l dosers. Stackable
Both $40 shipped
All items will ship next weekend (6/8) as I am heading out of town for a week. PayPal only.
Synergy 10g ATO container. Atomic green
$100 shipped
Vertex 2.5l dosers. One of the stems snapped off, glued back together and works as it should. stackable and comes with pins to hold in place when stacked.
Both $60 shipped
Seaside Aquatics 1.5l dosers. Stackable
Both $40 shipped
All items will ship next weekend (6/8) as I am heading out of town for a week. PayPal only.