Sump and Pump Adjustments

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I have a Red Sea Reefer 350 G2+ system, the ReefRun 550 return pump, and the ReefMat 500. Also a Reefer 600 Skimmer. In the sump there is an adjustable wall between the skimmer chamber and the return pump chamber.

In the instructions it says to use the red valve to adjust the water level in the overflow box to about 2 cm below the top of the main downpipe. It also says to keep the water level in the sump to about 6".

My questions involve all the adjustments that need to be made to keep a proper water level in the tank and in the sump. So, I can get the overflow box level to 2 cm below the downpipe and it's nice and quiet. But the level in the sump is about 11". So I can adjust the red valve to change water level in overflow, or in the sump, but seemingly not both. I can also raise and lower a wall going into the pump chamber, which also raises and lowers those water levels. Finally there is the adjustment to be made to the return pump itself via the ReefBeat app which can be adjusted from 0 to 100%.

1. So do I adjust red valve to keep water level 2 cm below downpipe, or 6" deep in the sump?

2. How do I adjust height of moveable wall into return pump chamber?

3. Where should the return pump be set, in percentage, in the ReefBeat app?