Stocking Opinions



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Oct 25, 2021
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Hey everyone hope you all had a happy holiday season,
I had a post about this previously but now that I am progressing with my tank stocking I would like to know your opinions,

Currently I have a Red Sea Reefer 350 for those who don't know it is a 91 gallon system including the sump & display.
In my sump I am running a bubble magus curve 7 and a chaeto fuge as well as some BRS carbon.

I currently have the following live stock:

Pair of Bangaii Cardinals
Scopas Tang
Pair of Clowns
6 line wrasse
Sleeper Goby
Pair of green chromis
cleaner shrimp
(various clean up crew members: emerald crabs, scarlet reef hermits, turbo, cerith, nassarius & trochus snails)
I also have a few easy corals to start off (toadstool and gsp)

With this info, I would like to add some more stock, namely the following:

Midas Blenny
Fire fish
Royal Gramma Basslet
possibly an angel *not decided*
maybe a red linckia starfish *not decided*

Do you think my system the way it is set up will have long term success with these additions & potentially more? If so please let me know of some suggestions or opinions on what I could add. I love the look of the carpenter's flasher wrasse ( but I don't know how it would do with my 6 line, thoughts?

Thanks in advance.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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I would get a Tailspot instead of a Midas, as IME, they’re less likely to nip corals. I would forgo the Linckia altogether, they just don’t live long in home aquariums (if you have your heart set on a starfish, I would recommend an orange Echinaster luzonicus, they look similar to Linckias and they’re much hardier and can do well in large aquariums). Royal Grammas can be somewhat territorial, but should be just fine in a tank your size. The fire fish will be fine. A Pygmy angel would be okay as far as your other fish, but they can be hit or miss when it comes to nipping corals. I’ve had coral beauties that were model citizens and I’ve had some that devastated corals, so it just depends on whether you want to take the risk.


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Oct 25, 2021
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I would get a Tailspot instead of a Midas, as IME, they’re less likely to nip corals. I would forgo the Linckia altogether, they just don’t live long in home aquariums (if you have your heat set on a starfish, I would recommend an orange Echinaster luzonicus, they look similar to Linckias and they’re much hardier and can do well in large aquariums). Royal Grammas can be somewhat territorial, but should be just fine in a tank your size. The fire fish will be fine. A Pygmy angel would be okay as far as your other fish, but they can be hit or miss when it comes to nipping corals. I’ve had coral beauties that were model citizens and I’ve had some that devastated corals, so it just depends on whether you want to take the risk.
I will definitely take a look at the tailspot, thank you so much for the feedback I will also not be going for a starfish for another few months at least and if I do I will go with the one you mentioned. I have heard the lamarck's angel is good at not nipping corals and is considered reef safe but they do get pretty large, so not sure on that.
Top Shelf Aquatics

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%