Stocking a 55 Gallon Long



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Hello all! Looking for some opinions on stocking my tank! I've included a list below of what fish/inverts I already have & and fish I'm currently interested in.
There are about 30-40+ pounds of live rock and about one and a half inches of Caribsea live sand.

Fish/Inverts in the Tank:
- 2 Ocellaris Clowns
- 1 Royal Gramma Basslet
- 1 Regular/Red Firefish Goby
- 1 Lawnmower Blenny
- 4 Thin Striped Hermit Crabs
- 2 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs (arrived as hitchhikers on my live rock)
- There are a few more hitchhikers in the tank from when I purchased my live rock. (Snails/Slugs/Etc.)

Fish I'm interested in:
- 3 Pajama Cardinalfish
- 1 Orchid Dottyback
- 1 Yellow Eye Spotted Kole Tang
- 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish
(These are the fish I've researched so far)
Would any of these be okay to add to my current stock?
What fish do you recommend?


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I thought cardinal fish were schooling fish, but after buying them it turns out that they can be aggressive to each other. So I ended up with 6 in my 210. I think what I read was either one or more than three.

Orchid is the least aggressive dottyback and really beautiful. Don’t have one, but it is what I would try if getting one. Not sure about compatibility with the royal gramma though. Might double check that.

Kole tang should work out with your tank mates. Just double check minimum tank requirements as they like to cruise around. I think they are a smaller one, but be sure. Tomini might be another tang to look at for size. But don’t do two in your tank.

Coral beauties are just that, beautiful. I would think one would get along with the others. Might want some angel
Specific food like mega marine angel to use on occasion to provide some sponge and different nutrients. Shouldn’t have to feed it exclusively, but a good addition to mysis and spirulina brine.


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Hello all! Looking for some opinions on stocking my tank! I've included a list below of what fish/inverts I already have & and fish I'm currently interested in.
There are about 30-40+ pounds of live rock and about one and a half inches of Caribsea live sand.

Fish/Inverts in the Tank:
- 2 Ocellaris Clowns
- 1 Royal Gramma Basslet
- 1 Regular/Red Firefish Goby
- 1 Lawnmower Blenny
- 4 Thin Striped Hermit Crabs
- 2 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs (arrived as hitchhikers on my live rock)
- There are a few more hitchhikers in the tank from when I purchased my live rock. (Snails/Slugs/Etc.)

Fish I'm interested in:
- 3 Pajama Cardinalfish
- 1 Orchid Dottyback
- 1 Yellow Eye Spotted Kole Tang
- 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish
(These are the fish I've researched so far)
Would any of these be okay to add to my current stock?
What fish do you recommend?
I really like your stock list! I would do 8 fish in total and max it at that. This would be to ensure low territory disputes and aggression of fish. One thing I want to point out is that the Tang will be the most aggressive and dominant fish in your tank and will outgrow it in a few months. But if you are set on him the Yellow Eye Kole is a good choice.

Are you doing a reef tank? If you are be careful around the Coral Beauty. Ik they say that they are one of the most reef safe dwarf angels any Angel of any kind is a 50/50. If you don’t have a reef tank in mind then it is a good choice. Make sure to have plenty of hiding and grazing spots for him.

So you already have 5 fish so I would say you have 3 slots to fill. I think the CB Angel (walking on eggshells if it’s a reef) is a good choice as well as the Dottyback. I like you chose the Orchid instead of others as these are one of the most peaceful dottybacks. Personally not a fan of any cardinals, but 1 maybe two is an option.

So this is what I would do:

x2 Ocellaris Clownfish
x1 Lawnmower Blenny
x1 Royal Gramma
x1 Firefish
x1 Orchid Dottyback
x1 CB Angel
x 1 (maybe 2) Cardinals.

I hope this helps!
Nutramar Foods


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I thought cardinal fish were schooling fish, but after buying them it turns out that they can be aggressive to each other. So I ended up with 6 in my 210. I think what I read was either one or more than three.

Orchid is the least aggressive dottyback and really beautiful. Don’t have one, but it is what I would try if getting one. Not sure about compatibility with the royal gramma though. Might double check that.

Kole tang should work out with your tank mates. Just double check minimum tank requirements as they like to cruise around. I think they are a smaller one, but be sure. Tomini might be another tang to look at for size. But don’t do two in your tank.

Coral beauties are just that, beautiful. I would think one would get along with the others. Might want some angel
Specific food like mega marine angel to use on occasion to provide some sponge and different nutrients. Shouldn’t have to feed it exclusively, but a good addition to mysis and spirulina brine.
I've read so many mixed things about the cardinalfish, so that's why I figured three to start would be the way to go. I've heard the same thing about aggression.

I'll definitely double check the Orchid - Gramma compatibility.

I've read that the tomini and kole tang get to be around the same size as one another and was instructed to pick just one of the two. I think the Kole tangs are beautiful! I really, REALLY wanted a captive bred yellow tang, but my tank just isn't large enough for one. It'll have to wait until I get my new tank later on.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the coral beauties! I want one SO BADLY! I've heard they can be pretty aggressive, so I was concerned with adding it since I have smaller fish in the tank. In your opinion, if I got a Kole or Tomini tang could I have the coral beauty angel too?

Thank you SO MUCH for your recommendation! It's greatly appreciated!


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I've heard they can be pretty aggressive, so I was concerned with adding it since I have smaller fish in the tank. In your opinion, if I got a Kole or Tomini tang could I have the coral beauty angel too?
It might work. But in your sized tank it would be best just to have 1 large sized fish. Ik how you feel I’ve been there lol. They are both really good looking fish. Sorry Hank for answering for you lol :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:


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I really like your stock list! I would do 8 fish in total and max it at that. This would be to ensure low territory disputes and aggression of fish. One thing I want to point out is that the Tang will be the most aggressive and dominant fish in your tank and will outgrow it in a few months. But if you are set on him the Yellow Eye Kole is a good choice.

Are you doing a reef tank? If you are be careful around the Coral Beauty. Ik they say that they are one of the most reef safe dwarf angels any Angel of any kind is a 50/50. If you don’t have a reef tank in mind then it is a good choice. Make sure to have plenty of hiding and grazing spots for him.

So you already have 5 fish so I would say you have 3 slots to fill. I think the CB Angel (walking on eggshells if it’s a reef) is a good choice as well as the Dottyback. I like you chose the Orchid instead of others as these are one of the most peaceful dottybacks. Personally not a fan of any cardinals, but 1 maybe two is an option.

So this is what I would do:

x2 Ocellaris Clownfish
x1 Lawnmower Blenny
x1 Royal Gramma
x1 Firefish
x1 Orchid Dottyback
x1 CB Angel
x 1 (maybe 2) Cardinals.

I hope this helps!
This most definitely helped!! I really appreciate you giving your recommendation! Thank you! It's nice to hear that someone liked my list. I've based it on literally one full month's worth of researching pretty much every day after work.

I was concerned with overstocking, so I appreciate you giving me your opinion on how many fish you recommend for my tank size. I definitely don't want any of my little fish babies to feel crowded. I'm still relatively new to the hobby.

Currently, my tank is not a reef tank. That's the goal eventually, though. At the moment, I'm still learning about coral and fish compatibility. I'm considering waiting until I purchase another tank (90 gal or larger) before trying my hand at growing coral. I've heard the same regarding angels of any kind and that the coral beauty is the safest bet. They say it's best to test it by adding a small frag to a QT tank with the angel to see if they'll nip at it, but even then it's not 100%. They could even show no interest as a juvenile and then start nipping at them later on.

I haven't heard about the aggression from the kole tangs until now. I thought they were relatively peaceful, so this was helpful information. I suppose I need to research them a bit more before considering one. I figured I would have to pick between the kole tang and the coral beauty anyway because of their size. (Don't want to overstock.)


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It might work. But in your sized tank it would be best just to have 1 large sized fish. Ik how you feel I’ve been there lol. They are both really good looking fish. Sorry Hank for answering for you lol :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:
It's so tough to choose! I just want EVERYTHING! lol
My entire apartment just needs to be turned into one giant aquarium or something! :face-with-tears-of-joy: I had a feeling that I would need to decide on one or the other.


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haven't heard about the aggression from the kole tangs until now. I thought they were relatively peaceful, so this was helpful information
All Tangs have that aggressive nature. Some more than others. Bristletooth Tangs, like Tomini, White-Tail, and Koles are a much more peaceful tang and are a good choice Tang for a new hobbyist but can still cause some problmes aggression wise. (Some are jerks and mess with bigger tangs like some acanthurus species and hold their own) You could think of them as a really mean 12 year old. They won’t do something too serious, but they will do something.
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It might work. But in your sized tank it would be best just to have 1 large sized fish. Ik how you feel I’ve been there lol. They are both really good looking fish. Sorry Hank for answering for you lol :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:
No problem. I agree with your consensus. I feel the tang is the better choice, only because I have had better luck with tangs than dwarf angels. I have a joke in one reef and a Tomini in another. I love the flash of orange from the Tomini. I would also suggest setting up and cycling a QT tank. Get some
Matrix or something similar and place in your sump, filter or an area in the tank. Then in a couple of weeks to a month it will have enough bacteria to handle a QT tank. Tangs can be ich magnets, but so can other fish. At this point you don’t want to introduce a parasite or disease to your tank.


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All Tangs have that aggressive nature. Some more than others. Bristletooth Tangs, like Tomini, White-Tail, and Koles are a much more peaceful tang and are a good choice Tang for a new hobbyist but can still cause some problmes aggression wise. (Some are jerks and mess with bigger tangs like some acanthurus species and hold their own) You could think of them as a really mean 12 year old. They won’t do something too serious, but they will do something.
"a mean 12 year old" :face-with-tears-of-joy: I love it! lol Thank you for the information about them! I really appreciate it.


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As far as tang aggression, I mostly see it towards other tangs, and similarly shaped fish. My tangs do not harass my fire fish which are truly docile. Now my fire fish will hide when my tangs come around.

I am a tang lover. My favorite reef fish. So I have 6 different tangs in my 210 and 4 in my 110. Most everyone will say you can’t do this, as they will kill each other off. So I QT’d them all at the same time and introduced them together. Only lost one (a powder brown) that I put in with a powder blue. I didn’t plan for them in the same tank, but when I ordered them, they came in so small, I couldn’t put either of the powders in my 210 because I already had the other larger tangs in there.

Don’t think the one tang will cause you issues in your tank, as long as you stay with the smaller breeds.


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No problem. I agree with your consensus. I feel the tang is the better choice, only because I have had better luck with tangs than dwarf angels. I have a joke in one reef and a Tomini in another. I love the flash of orange from the Tomini. I would also suggest setting up and cycling a QT tank. Get some
Matrix or something similar and place in your sump, filter or an area in the tank. Then in a couple of weeks to a month it will have enough bacteria to handle a QT tank. Tangs can be ich magnets, but so can other fish. At this point you don’t want to introduce a parasite or disease to your tank.
Thanks for the info about the tangs! I hadn't heard about them being ich-prone. Definitely don't want to get that in the dt! I currently have two QT tanks that have been up and running for about 2 months. One is a 30 g and the other is a 10 g. I added a small bowl of live sand in them with some very small live rock frags. I've also dosed microbactor live bacteria.


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Thanks for the info about the tangs! I hadn't heard about them being ich-prone. Definitely don't want to get that in the dt! I currently have two QT tanks that have been up and running for about 2 months. One is a 30 g and the other is a 10 g. I added a small bowl of live sand in them with some very small live rock frags. I've also dosed microbactor live bacteria.

Ghost feed your QT’s when not stocked to keep the bacteria alive and eating. I use seachem alert badges in my QT’s as it is instant info. If the disc changes color then I test, water change, dose prime and stability.

People will tell you tangs are ich magnets. I do believe they are more susceptible, and it really depend where you get them. You can also get them pre-quarantined. There is someone on here “drquarantined”? Not exactly righ but google and probably come up. Or live aquaria’s diver den.

That being said, my number one go to is I have had extremely good luck with their fish. Far better than the LFS I was shopping. All of my current tangs came from them. I observation QT’d them only as I am not real comfortable with copper. Everyone of them was ich free for 45 days before going into my DT’s and I haven’t had an ich break out in either reef.


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Ghost feed your QT’s when not stocked to keep the bacteria alive and eating. I use seachem alert badges in my QT’s as it is instant info. If the disc changes color then I test, water change, dose prime and stability.

People will tell you tangs are ich magnets. I do believe they are more susceptible, and it really depend where you get them. You can also get them pre-quarantined. There is someone on here “drquarantined”? Not exactly righ but google and probably come up. Or live aquaria’s diver den.

That being said, my number one go to is I have had extremely good luck with their fish. Far better than the LFS I was shopping. All of my current tangs came from them. I observation QT’d them only as I am not real comfortable with copper. Everyone of them was ich free for 45 days before going into my DT’s and I haven’t had an ich break out in either reef.
Thank you!!! I’ve heard good things about Dr Reefs Quarantined Fish. I’ll check out reef beauties too!


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As far as tang aggression, I mostly see it towards other tangs, and similarly shaped fish. My tangs do not harass my fire fish which are truly docile. Now my fire fish will hide when my tangs come around.

I am a tang lover. My favorite reef fish. So I have 6 different tangs in my 210 and 4 in my 110. Most everyone will say you can’t do this, as they will kill each other off. So I QT’d them all at the same time and introduced them together. Only lost one (a powder brown) that I put in with a powder blue. I didn’t plan for them in the same tank, but when I ordered them, they came in so small, I couldn’t put either of the powders in my 210 because I already had the other larger tangs in there.

Don’t think the one tang will cause you issues in your tank, as long as you stay with the smaller breeds.
Awesome!! Thank you!! I really appreciate it!


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May be a little late to this thread, but I hope you haven’t bought that tang yet ! I also have a 55gal display and a lawnmower Blenny…read this first…
I haven't purchased the tang yet, thankfully. I really appreciate the link! I will most likely go with the coral beauty now, thanks to you. I was attached to the idea of having a tang, but I love my sweet lawnmower blenny and I don't want it to get bullied.


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I haven't purchased the tang yet, thankfully. I really appreciate the link! I will most likely go with the coral beauty now, thanks to you. I was attached to the idea of having a tang, but I love my sweet lawnmower blenny and I don't want it to get bullied.
Cool, good choice ! My Blenny was also one of my favs and was there first, so Tang had to go ! Tankmatez btw if you ever need to catch a fish !

Also have a coral beauty and flame angelfish…people always comment on th CB .
Nutramar Foods


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Cool, good choice ! My Blenny was also one of my favs and was there first, so Tang had to go ! Tankmatez btw if you ever need to catch a fish !

Also have a coral beauty and flame angelfish…people always comment on th CB .View attachment 2968123
They are a truly beautiful fish! What a great setup!

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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A Reef Creation