Spitting Niger Triggerfish



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Sep 27, 2016
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Hi everyone,
I have a Niger Triggerfish that I have had in my 300 gallon pond for about 10 months. He normally has a very mild temperament and occasionally fights with the sailfin tang and the yellow tang but never injury to either fish. About 4 months ago I bought a male california stingray and a month later I purchased a female california stingray. The trigger doesn't bother the rays at all other than to steal food when he can. The rays are terrible about begging for food at the top of the pond so much so that I had to put up a fence to make sure they stay in the pond. The reason I mention this is I think it might be the reason the trigger has started spitting water out the top of the pond and he will do it if your standing there or not.
Anyone got a suggestion as to a way to make him stop? I thought about another trigger for him to play with, but at his size and now new temperament that may not be a good option because Im not sure how he would react to a new fish like him? Any ideas on how to make him stop spitting would be great, Thanks! Video of triggerfish spitting here:

lion king

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Niger's are very personable, as are alot of triggers; that's why we like them. The niger learned the results of the rays begging and he is doing the same by spitting the water. I don't think you are going to train him out of it unless you stop feeding the rays at the top of the water. As long as he sees the rays getting food he will be spitting and begging the same. Many fish spit water to get your attention, triggers and puffers are 2 that are notorious for this activity.


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Sep 27, 2016
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Thanks Lion King! I do feed the rays at the bottom because I realized right off it wasn't a good thing for them to be coming to the top like they were. Even though I feed them at the bottom they come strait to the top as soon as they know I'm there in the room. And they seem to know even in the dark at 3am. The only thing that gave me piece of mind was to install a small fence around the pond. If you have ever thought about keeping stingrays and you have a big enough tank or pond they are very interesting fish, and a blast to watch swim around the pond. My favorite fish so far. Thanks again!
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Mini Coop

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I have nothing to offer except that that trigger may be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! So pretty! And I absolutely love sting rays. I can't have a tank like this - I don't think I would ever pay attention to my children again! I am in process of setting up a new 180. Looking forward to a pair of blue jaw triggers in my tank :)

lion king

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I did consider an indoor pond and would like rays, I have a friend that keeps 2 in a 220. I don't think that is an adequate tank for them but I do like them. He calls them CA rays, I think they are Atlantic rays. My house get to 60 in the winter and I already have 5 display and 2 qt/observation tanks. The cost to heat it would put me out of business.


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Sep 27, 2016
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I want a bigger tank for the rays but unfortunately it will be another large pond of some kind until I can afford a large 400g or larger glass tank. The rays swim constantly when they are not buried in the sand and I wouldn't keep them in any thing smaller than what they are in now. Cant wait to see your new tank with the blue jaw triggers, I have always liked them and I hear that sometimes they even breed in larger tanks. Like Lion King said my trigger is very personable and will play fetch with pellets when I feed him, very entertaining when kids come over to my house. He swims all over with his fin up out of the water getting the pellets my friends kids throw in there!
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