Skimmers??? Best of 202X and they are always junk!


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Why is it I see tons of reviews for the Newest Gimmick needle-wheel skimmers and why is everyone buying these pieces of underrated and under preforming garbage?

Anyone who has worked with a large system with a heavy bio load will have found, like me, that these HYPED needle wheel skimmers are simply put, JUNK!!

So I came across this article at and found it enlightening and informative.

THE CURRENT TECHNOLOGY OF NEEDLE-WHEEL PROTEIN SKIMMERS (which is about 25 years old) IS LESS EFFICIENT THAN WHAT EVERYONE USED TO MAKE: VENTURI PROTEIN SKIMMERS, where the venturi is placed after the pump, not before the pump. And that change also led to the cone-shapes and bubble-plates you see in many needle-wheel protein skimmers. And now they're starting to put in more moving parts complicating the maintenance even more.

They no longer tout how great a skimmer can be at lowering nitrates, rarely mention anything about contact time which is the very essence of making a protein skimmer more efficient at protein and dissolved organics and solids removal. They no longer can make tall protein skimmers because their needle-wheel pumps are very weak handling head pressure and moving water. But their products are excellent for being different every year, better at selling you replacement needle-wheels, better at selling you an expensive pump when it fails in a year or two, great for selling you carbon and nitrate removing chemicals and the media reactors to hold it, and great at putting more gimmicky things like gear mechanisms and paddle-wheel water flow inerrupters, great at increasing your maintenance time, and more fancy marketing terminology than ever.

Look at the cheapest needle-wheel protein skimmer design, now look at a more costly design. See any differences? A needle-wheel pump a bubble-plate, and a cone shape. Why would you think that a $2500.00 needle-wheel protein skimmer is going to be more efficient than the cheap one? Bubbles are bubbles no matter how costly the pump was that made them. The rest is poor design for efficient foam fractionation, solids removal, and nitrate reduction.

Notice how many hobbyists are using bio-pellet reactors or some other method of nitrate reduction? This was not the norm when all protein skimmers were venturi meaning that the needle-wheel protein skimmers are less efficient at nitrate reduction.


1. BUBBLE PLATE They all have them, they MUST have them. They offer NOTHING to improve skimming and in fact reduce skimming efficiency. Nothing magic here, it is just a "muffler" to stop turbulence. Turbulence is good as it keeps the bubbles in the skimmer for a longer period of time. The bubble plate is also put right in the center of the skimmer, directly below the neck at the top so the bubbles rise more-or-less in a straight line to the top, absolutely the least efficient way to have good skimming. The bubbles need to stay in the skimmer for as long as possible so they can collect protein and solids as they move up the water column.

2. SHAPES: Cone, hourglass, wineglass, squashed cylinder, melted oval, whatever they call it is nothing magic and does not enhance the efficiency. They do this so that they can hold the large bubble plate (and sometimes the pump too) but then they have to transition to a neck at the top for the collection cup. And due to the sloped sides of the skimmer body any solid matter that sticks will cause a "traffic jam" of solids building up behind this sludge which is why these skimmers need frequent and complete disassembly to clean, put back together, adjust, break-in period, and maybe "skim" some wet stuff for a few days or a week, and then it's repeat the process again, and again, and again.
Cone shapes actually get the bubbles out of the skimmer FASTER thus the least efficiency as possible! Having some flat areas causes the bubbles to remain in the skimmer for longer time, better for skimming efficiency.

3. NECK DIAMETER is large, it has to be. Wetter foam is what you get and rarely can get dry foam. Think of the foam layer as a layered cake. Very thin and flat because the bubbles are held within this thin wet foam layer. So to get this into the cup you have to raise this thin layer so the very top is just squeaking over the edge of the cup riser and you get a wet skimmate with less solids. The wet foam layer allows any solids and proteins that are on the bubbles to fall back into the skimmer where the solids collect all over the inside and the proteins go back into your system. Now, lets take this layered cake foam and condense it into a narrow neck with a taller foam layer, kind of like a layered cake. Now the bubbles have more distance to rise, allows the top layer to become more "dry" which causes the solids to stick better as well as the proteins, you have a longer adjustment range with this taller foam column and more solids and protein removal.

4. BUBBLE DIAMETER, or Diameter, extremely important! Now, the needle-wheel folk have been creative in how they tell you how efficient a consistent and tiny bubble size is, false. Consider that wet layer of wet bubbles at the top kind of like a pie, a wet pie. All bubbles being of equal size and buoyancy so all just kind of lay around in a calm layer. More bubbles arrive underneath this layer and kind of push up the wet foam a tiny bit, very little interaction of bubbles in this thin layer. Now, consider in a true venturi skimmer that makes bubbles of various sizes and any bubble larger than another is more buoyant than that smaller bubble. So you get these different bubble diameters up top in the neck, which has a taller foam column, so these larger bubbles rise all the way to the top and pick up all the solids and proteins off the bubbles from the lower layer, and the bubbles also have a drying out effect or are less wet than the lower layers so yur solids stay stuck, and put into the cup.

5. PUMP. Needle-wheel pumps are so maintenance intense too clogging up with debris, wearing out the internal parts because of the unbalanced wheel, require frequent disassembly to clean, but they don't tell you this. Plus, the pump will be obsolete in a year, cost upwards of $200 to $600 to replace. Another problem with these pumps is that they produce a bubble diameter that is too consistent and too small, not good for efficient foam transportation into the cup. Bubbles of consistent size rise to the surface and have more of a "meet and greet" party and just mull around, and they are too wet. But bubbles of various diameter have the larger bubbles bust through the "meeters and greeters" and get them moving upwards through the column and transported into the cup. Also, these needle-wheel pumps are weak. They are good at making bubbles but poor at moving water at greater backpressures, as in they can't make a tall needle-wheel skimmer. When was the last time you saw a needle-wheel skimmer taller than 30"? Everyone used to make tall protein skimmers, I make them up to six feet tall! Taller skimmers are required for larger aquariums. You cannot make a short skimmer efficient for a large aquarium becuase the contact time is not there.

So, in review:
Bubble Plates reduce efficiency by removing turbulence, essential for better skimming.
Shapes, cones and tapered sides reduce efficiency by getting bubbles out of the skimmer faster, reduces efficient skimming.
Neck Diameter causes wetter foams, same consistency top to bottom.
Bubble Diameter, the entire reason needle-wheels are all designed the same.
Pump, must have a special pump and typically costly, and a true venturi skimmer can use ANY pump, cheap to expensive, your choice.

Every hobbyist that has replaced their needle-wheel protein skimmer with a venturi protein skimmer knows they have been sold an inefficient product, sees an increased skimmate production, a darker skimmate with more solids, lower maintenance, and won't have to keep dumping money and time into a gimmicky protein skimmer.

Your aquarium, your knees, your pocketbook, will love the Lifereef Protein Skimmer! Your last protein skimmer you will ever need, unless you need more for more aquariums!

I recently acquired a broken Marine Technology Concepts Power-Pro 3 (MTC Model PP3MDQ) Venturi recirculating skimmer. I am in the process of rebuilding it, going with 2x Mazzei 684 3/4" venturi's, about a 22 inch tall Reaction Chamber to start with and I am re-constructing it to be a Cross-Flow type, the water will flow down thru the foam column for maximum nutrient stripping. I got the cross flow idea from RK Solutions RK2 Xflow skimmer.

Also going to be using a 2100gph pump for the recirculation. This is a cheap Jebao pump to test, I may have to put a Pressure pump flowing around 1400gph to make the Venturi work proper, we will see. Flow thru the skimmer will be about 700gph, or 2x my tank volume. This model came with a High Pressure 1065gph pump originally like an Iwaki type pump.

So far the Mazzei's cost me $90 for 2 off Amazon used (they sell for $90 each new), I am about $60 dollars into new bulkheads and PVC, $100 for the Recirc Pump and I have a feed pump that should work.

Picture of the Skimmer body with a Reactor I got as part of the deal. That skimmer body is missing parts as shown. I am thinking that if I do not have enough contact time in the reaction chamber of the skimmer, that Reactor could be re-purposed into a Reaction Chamber Extension. Or I can buy that Clear 6 inch diameter PVC for about $100 for 6 foot and remake it completely.


Think I may do a build thread on this skimmer project!!


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Yeah, definitely make a thread. I have an old 5-foot tall downdraft skimmer I have been meaning to refurbish for years.

People love the lifereef skimmers, for sure. However I don't know if I agree all needle-wheel are junk. I have a couple of SRO3000 with the bubble blaster pumps that have been running strong for 7 years with practically zero maintenance- I would definitely buy another


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Rebuilt the internal plumbing.

Then the external

Test Drive!!


Going to run it a few days and see how well it works.

I ordered the 2 replacement Mazzei Venturi off Amazon, used they ran $45 each, Jebao recirc pump dct8000 pump = $90. Jabao DCT6000 feed pump $80. PVC plumbing parts roughly $100.

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I may not have re-invented the wheel, but after watching this thing preform for a few days and seeing the difference in my water clarity and parameters I will never waste money on a needle wheel skimmer ever again. The Mazzei Venturi does a much better job of fractionating the air into the water, better oxygen exchange, PH in my tank has increased half a point on average.

You say bubbles are bubbles.
But that foam is just also foam
It would appear not so. The venturi puts more random sized bubbles into the water column, by recirculating them I keep them in contact longer allowing for more collisions with proteins to attach themselves leads to enhanced stripping of nutrients. Or so it seems to me.


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The most important thing for me, is the oxygen in the tank, i know the venturi skimmer is good, but the information of it is too little, like how many air it can sarturate into the water tank to compare with needle wheel skimmer?. The protein extracted, trace element out, is the second after the oxygen for me, my tank has heavy bioload so always need more oxygen than normal, that's why i'm choosing external PS, the water pump and the needle wheel working together, and the air + water take time to go down to the tank through the pipes.


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The most important thing for me, is the oxygen in the tank, i know the venturi skimmer is good, but the information of it is too little, like how many air it can sarturate into the water tank to compare with needle wheel skimmer?. The protein extracted, trace element out, is the second after the oxygen for me, my tank has heavy bioload so always need more oxygen than normal, that's why i'm choosing external PS, the water pump and the needle wheel working together, and the air + water take time to go down to the tank through the pipes.
Mazzei Venturi will out preform any needle wheel in exactly those areas. The venturi puts more air into the water, recirculating the skimmer leaves the airbubbles in contact with water longer allowing for better stripping of fats. More Air = more Oxygen.
I also have an extremely heavy bioload and 3 needle wheel skimmers rated 240g to 500g did not skim well enough to keep my water clean but this venturi skimmer does an amazing job.


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I have a regal skimmer I bought used for only $100. It was certainly worth $100 as it has been operating fine enough for a few years now. I doubt it is worth the asking cost of new. If/when it croaks on me, I will consider Life Reef if I buy new. I have always heard positive things about that company.

I think the reason needle wheel became popular is everything became about "space saving". Lots of reef ready pre-fab set ups being bought with limited sump space or limited height under the cabinet.


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I have a regal skimmer I bought used for only $100. It was certainly worth $100 as it has been operating fine enough for a few years now. I doubt it is worth the asking cost of new. If/when it croaks on me, I will consider Life Reef if I buy new. I have always heard positive things about that company.

I think the reason needle wheel became popular is everything became about "space saving". Lots of reef ready pre-fab set ups being bought with limited sump space or limited height under the cabinet.
Not to mention the visual appeal of the pretty clear and red/blue/etc plastic colors in pleasing geometric shapes. Eye Candy in other words.


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Hello @Bruttall

I want to do the DIY Venturi skimmer. Luckily i find your thread.

I want to make it a "recirculating skimmer", still using the Mazzei venturi techniques to get air and form bubbles. According to your post, it seems possible, right. I must need to add a feed pump. I plan to use a Jebao Pump 10000 liter/ hours for recirculating pump. May you recommend feed pump rate?

Secondly, I am running a return pump at rate around 8000 liter/hour. My tank is 400 liter in the display. Can I plump the return line directly to the skimmer, to replace the feed pump.

Thank you.

west co reefer

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I have a regal skimmer I bought used for only $100. It was certainly worth $100 as it has been operating fine enough for a few years now. I doubt it is worth the asking cost of new. If/when it croaks on me, I will consider Life Reef if I buy new. I have always heard positive things about that company.

I think the reason needle wheel became popular is everything became about "space saving". Lots of reef ready pre-fab set ups being bought with limited sump space or limited height under the cabinet.
I blame it on the Coralife Super Skimmers marketing back in the day. The hobby was very slow to new technology back then so anything new really made waves...sometimes bigger than they should have. JBJ nanocubes sold like hot cakes despite being known to crack because they were the new AIO thing until Biocubes came out. This hobby is known to do that


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Hello @Bruttall

I want to do the DIY Venturi skimmer. Luckily i find your thread.

I want to make it a "recirculating skimmer", still using the Mazzei venturi techniques to get air and form bubbles. According to your post, it seems possible, right. I must need to add a feed pump. I plan to use a Jebao Pump 10000 liter/ hours for recirculating pump. May you recommend feed pump rate?

Secondly, I am running a return pump at rate around 8000 liter/hour. My tank is 400 liter in the display. Can I plump the return line directly to the skimmer, to replace the feed pump.

Thank you.
I would not plumb return directly into skimmer, just in case you need to disassemble at some time.

ON my tank of 300g return pump is 3000gph, skimmer pump is set to >600gph

I do not remember where I read about skimmer pump volumes in relation to tank volume, but I seem to remember reading that the skimmer should flow at 2x tank volume while return pump should be flowing at 10x tank volume roughly.
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I'd be really interested to see some type of data-based comparison of needle wheel and venturi/induction skimmers. Back in my smaller tank days, the Aqua C Remora was a beast. I certainly don't miss how loud it was though.

west co reefer

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I'd be really interested to see some type of data-based comparison of needle wheel and venturi/induction skimmers. Back in my smaller tank days, the Aqua C Remora was a beast. I certainly don't miss how loud it was though.
They were definitely a popular budget skimmer, but many of these skimmers at the time would have "mods" you had to do for efficiency.

ASM, Deltec, and EuroReef were solid choices back then.


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The takeaway shouldn't be what is better, or best, of what timeframe but rather do some homework, buy a quality product, take care of it via routine maintenance, and it will outlast your time in the hobby. No need to buy something new or the latest and greatest. No need to buy what social media is peddling. In my opinion.

Side note I purchased a skimmer from Jeff back in 2001 and it is still running strong today minus the Iwaki pump I originally paired with it.


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That lifereef marketing material is absurd. So many of its points are simply nonsense. I have a 6 foot MTC Power Pro and it is less consistent than my BK 300 Deluxe. The BK just runs and runs and never needs adjustment. The MTC is fine but takes a ton of space and really needs a pressure rated pump which means higher wattage.

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