Skimmer size with an auto fleece roller?

AI Nero 5


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Dec 31, 2015
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I’m looking for recommendations for skimmer sizing with an auto fleece roller. I’m going to be setting up my 75 gal display with a trigger platinum 26 gal sump that includes an auto fleece roller. I just purchased a RO Elite 150sss skimmer that is rated for 75 gal at heavy load. I have been watching BRS videos suggesting that you should undersize with a fleece roller. I plan on stocking the tank well and going SPS dominant. Should I keep this skimmer with its 75 gal rating or should I drop down to something smaller due to the effectiveness of the fleece roller? I was thinking the Akula Ultra Reef UKS 160 which is rated for 56 gal heavy load. Any suggestions would be appreciated


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I agree with undersizing, Infact I raised this question on my build thread a week ago,

They are so effective at removing debris that my NYOS 300 hardly produces anything and I only clean it every 4-8 weeks (yes I know!lol). Same in my S650 which has a fleece roller.

To answer your question if and when I need to replace the skimmer, it will be the next size down and half the price.


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I run a pump-fed ClariSea SK5000 on a RSR 300 xl (65G display/15G sump). I didn’t want to permanently modify the sump, but pump feed nearly all water from the overflow through through the roller. It absolutely makes a huge difference, including to the load on the skimmer and has slowed chaeto growth. I also dose NoPox, but had already been doing that so I am convinced it is the roller reducing nutrients.

I have a Red Sea RSK300 and the only reason I haven’t gone back to a smaller DC controlled skimmer (I have already) is that I see a huge PH benefit to running the skimmer with outside air AND a CO2 scrubber that is also outside and serves the dual purpose of filtering any debris in the air from getting into my system.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Hi, I have a bubble magus fleece roller with a max rating of 6000 litres per hour although my drain wouldn't be able to take that amount of flow. I have a jecod 9000 dcs return pump running on minimum power.

My display tank is 625 litres sorry I'm English and don't know about them gallons measurements and seems to be a bit of a pointless exercise when my pump skimmer and fleece roller are all rated litres per hour sorry getting off the point, my sump is 125 litres so I have around about 500 litres of water all in all minus rocks air in the sump etc etc.

My skimmer is rated 500 litres bubble magus curve 5 even though I was advised to get a model 6.

The fleece roller is a new addition to the sump and the skimmer has more than halved its production of skimate and I have had to remove the phos zorb from my sump as the hanna (low range) readings couldn't detect any phosphate in the water.

I have had to throw extra food in to compensate.

So in my humble opinion my conclusion is that I have fatter fish now and I echo the comments above smaller skimmer will be fine

Oh and ps yeah my sps are thriving to put your mind at rest with that
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