Skimmer issues??


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Why is my skimmer not producing bubbles? It's the coralife filter with the built in skimmer for it think it was either 20 or 30 gallons. It only ever produces just water. I can't seem to get it to the right spot. I have no idea how to like use the value per say, Right now it's like big bubbles popping and not to the top, maybe 1/4 of the way down the skimmer. I did just did like a 4 gallon water change (20 gallon tank)

I can't tell if my airline is clogged

Side note, I've never been able to get my skimmer to just produce bubbles.

Can't provide a photo atm


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No experience with that particular skimmer but in general these small skimmers have a bad reputation. There are threads out there expressing identical problems to what you are describing with that skimmer with no resolution. Cup just being filled with water. You could try blowing out your airline or soaking it in DI water or even acid to see if it is plugged. Could also check the intake to the pump to make sure nothing is restricting it, but I honestly think it is just a bad design. For a 20-gallon tank, I would probably just ditch the skimmer entirely and go with water changes. I think any hang on the back skimmer that might work will be too bulky. I tried a Tunze 9004 on a small system and abandoned it because I could not get a consistent skim and the cup is just too small to manage - and I consider Tunze to be one of the better skimmer manufacturers. It also took up a lot of room in the tank.