Shrimp goby heartbreak?



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Aug 24, 2019
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Williamstown NJ
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This is gonna be a weird question, but do shrimp gobies get depressed if their paired shrimp dies?

for a while now I’ve had a tiger pistol shrimp/ yellow watchman goby pair. They were doing fine for the past several months. Within the past few days I noticed that my goby was out of the cave more than usual. I then noticed that the usual den entrances were gone. Yesterday my goby was hanging out towards the top of the tank instead of hiding in the rock work. This morning I couldn’t find him till I was literally writing this part of the post. (Thought he might have died and gotten eaten by my clean-up-crew) he’s farther away from where he and the shrimp built their home leading me to believe that the shrimp died for some reason. He’s still behaving oddly. As I just looked up to see him in the upper back against the side of one of my power heads.

will gobies die if their partner shrimp dies?


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Oct 19, 2021
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Long Island.... maybe north korea
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This is gonna be a weird question, but do shrimp gobies get depressed if their paired shrimp dies?

for a while now I’ve had a tiger pistol shrimp/ yellow watchman goby pair. They were doing fine for the past several months. Within the past few days I noticed that my goby was out of the cave more than usual. I then noticed that the usual den entrances were gone. Yesterday my goby was hanging out towards the top of the tank instead of hiding in the rock work. This morning I couldn’t find him till I was literally writing this part of the post. (Thought he might have died and gotten eaten by my clean-up-crew) he’s farther away from where he and the shrimp built their home leading me to believe that the shrimp died for some reason. He’s still behaving oddly. As I just looked up to see him in the upper back against the side of one of my power heads.

will gobies die if their partner shrimp dies?
No, but they cannot arrange their burrows as well without them. They may have gotten into a fight

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%