Show of your Condy/Curlique anemones and the guests that live in them! Aka Condys VS Curliques.


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Oct 4, 2024
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I want a Condy or a Curlique anemone for my Caribbean/Tropical Atlantic biotope and at the moment Condys are really calling me I know they can move alot if i do get it I already have in mind feeding it so it does not eat the other reef inhabitants and so it does not move contrary to popular belif they don't move as much when fed since when they move it is to find better spots for feeding since they can't find food where they are but nevertheless they are hardy they look beautiful with the shrimp/ arrow crab symbiotic relationships although I dont think i will get an arrow crab because of how problematic they are and the anemones change color through out the day. Curliques on the other hand also look so beautiful its hard to explain but the spots/curliness of their tentacles look so amazing, especially with the shrimps that host them. Now here comes the problem the anemone shrimp on these only live for about a year and yes i would like to attempt these shrimp but after they unfortunatly pass i would like to have them host inverts that last longer. Sorry for that excessive paragraph but here is the criteria, Which one of them host more invertebrates(from the Caribbean) and most importantly which one looks better in the tanks I would greatly appreciate it if you guys posted pictures of your Curlique/Condy anemones in the reef tank especially if they are Hosting Caribbean species if not feel free to add to your expirience to the conversation. Thank you.


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Continuing the conversation about the complaints they both get about eating Fish/Inverts, Condy's get them more. Since the tank will have only Caribbean species I think they will be able to recognize the dangers that these anemones pose since these species have been dealing with eachother for so long. I dought they will try this anemone unless they are sick and cannot recognize these anemones or move properly then they will get eaten but this can be avoided if the anemone if fed and the fish are healthy. I think this strategy can even work in reefs that have these anemones and also have Indo-Pacific fish even though they cant recognize the dangers these anemones pose they will be able to escape them if heathy and the condy wont be so harsh/predadory since it has been fed and overfeeding is never good. A lot of the complaints of this anemone come from them eating clownfish since the clowns could be confused about hosting it or not especially if they are captive bred and if the anemone is hungry it will take the opportunity of course. By the way, keep in mind these are only some theories i have made they are not proven.