Sharing what worked for in QT, with 2 "expert-only" fishes (cowfish, quori parrotfish) and puffer and goatfish

Biggest success factor with new fish QT

  • Daily 20% water change

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daily 50% water change

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Use of Skimmer

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Removal of leftover after each meal

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Just follow QT protocol, don't fear

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Don't QT, just add to DT and more 75% fishes survived with 0% DT sickness

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Other. Pls specify what worked for you?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daily 10% water change

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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So I have struggled and learnt hard way .. sharing my success with QT.

(I acknowledge r2r articles, my brother's inputs and my family's support and dealing with hours of me staring at my fiahes!)

Outcome: My Quoyi is eating, swimming and happy! Cowfiah, puffer and goatfish are eating and happy too!

Here is what all worked (IMHO)
1. Kept him in QT (had moved to DT for 2 days and he was **** stressed, did not eat)
2. Had a lot of established nitrifying bacteria bio cube,buo balls, 2 big sponge and 1 big dead coral skeleton from my 3 yr old DT. Those prevented amonia spike.
3. Kept QT water good. Changed 50% every 2 days. Kept Nitrate and PO4 in check.
4. He was alone for 1 week, then I added 2 clown from my DT, but to no avail ... after a week, I added a goatfish (and 2 other peaceful fish - yes a bit much for 30G). Goatfish is GREAT distraction, not aggressive, swims all day, eats everything that falls (keeps tank leftover free). In future I will try goat fish again for enticing finicky/ shy fishes.
5. Had a mini skimmer run 80% of time. Shut off inly for 12 hours after medicine addition.
6. Kept a powerhead running, facing water surface to keep O2 level high.
7. Added a good temperature controlled new heater (last one had thermostat failure and temperature shot up to 86!!)
8. Fed multiple different frozen and nori 2x to 3x daily but 0 pellets, to keep nutrient spike in control (I had 2 good eating and swimming angel (Flame and annularis) die in QT suddenly in QT, I fed them pellets).
9. For 3 weeks Quoyi dd not seem to eat (i did not see her eat), since 2 days she started eaeatingshe first started "eating small stuff" floating near her mouth. Probably small parts of brine shrimp... then floating pieces of algae sheet and today she is scraping the rocks and swimming and even chasing away goatfish when he swims in-the-face!! Lol!
10. I did 1 round of General cure, 2 rounds of Sufaplex and 1 round of kanaplex. Tonight I will change 60% of water and add no more meds. Watch until Friday.

I will keep Quoyi and rest of QT as is for 5 more days and then on Friday move the fishes to DT. Hope this helps others wanting to succeed with QT!

1. Its been 3 weeks for quoyi and 10 days for rest of 3 fishes in QT, i plan to keep/ observe all in QT for 3 more days. The LFS had them in Copper and Prazi. I ran 5 rounds of meds. How much longer do I need to keep them in QT to be sure of ich and velvet free? If they show 0 signs of issues over next 4 days, can be 90% ok to move them in DT on Friday night?

2. My 300G DT setup has 3 tangs (Hippo, tomini, yellow), 3 angel (coral beauty, queen and flagfin), 1 gobi, 2 clown, 1 butterfly, 1 lyritail anthias, 1 flamehawk. What is best way to add the 4 new fishes? Practical 90% safe bets/ tips for 75% j

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ying yang

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Can't offer anything about qt as only started a observational qt with first 2 fish then rest went in dt and used bits of advice from others about aquascape,caves,hiding places,food etc etc

But just wanted to say colours on that parrot fish are amazing indeed and goatfish I like also due to its behaviours and how It looks.

Good luck Peter and hopefully they stay healthy once In your day

P.s when I think I parrot fish I think of big massive fish on the reef chomping away at algae on the reefs but they chomp away bits of rock also and are very important for the reefs ( like gardeners pruning if you may)
Is your parrot fish like this and how big you think it will grow and will it chomp away at your rocks ha ha


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Mine is Quori Parrotfiah, they grow to max of 7 to 8 inches in tanks. But in nature probably 10-11 inches. The Quoyi is SUPER colorful, almost like a peacock! You may be confusing this with blue or stoplight parrot fishes .. quoyi are smallest parrotfish and they graze algae all day, almost like Tomini tangs ... they are "reef safe with caution"



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Bump, let’s see if we can get you some attention
Update: the parrot fish is n9w eating feozen krill, mega marine angel frozen food,nori sheets and scraps algae from rocks all day ...

I have divider in my tank for 2 days ... will let this side by side living i. Dt continue for 3 m9re days .. and remove divider on Saturday... hopefully there will be no aggression...

ying yang

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Mine is Quori Parrotfiah, they grow to max of 7 to 8 inches in tanks. But in nature probably 10-11 inches. The Quoyi is SUPER colorful, almost like a peacock! You may be confusing this with blue or stoplight parrot fishes .. quoyi are smallest parrotfish and they graze algae all day, almost like Tomini tangs ... they are "reef safe with caution"

Yes super colourful indeed.

Not sure on parrot fish I'm thinking.just know watching nature programmes see massive fish chomping at rocks lol

But that's just like me saying hey its a wrasse when there's 27876 different variety of wrasses lol ( made up number before anyone thinks real number ) but I have read that the wrasse family is biggest genus of fish


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The parrot is eating Krill, PE Mysis, Nori and scrapes algae all day ... in fact he brings the "white" in the rocks, must be scraping pretty hard!! But I have NOT seen him touch any of my just a few invests and corals i have ...


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Soany months after getting the Quoyi, I am happy to report that
1. It is very healthy and happy and swims all over all day

2. Best algae cleaner - 10x better than any other fosh or snail or urchin or anything!

3. Has not touched any corals, Nems or any inverts

Great fish, very usefulvin tank and amazing pet!


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Mine is Quori Parrotfiah, they grow to max of 7 to 8 inches in tanks. But in nature probably 10-11 inches. The Quoyi is SUPER colorful, almost like a peacock! You may be confusing this with blue or stoplight parrot fishes .. quoyi are smallest parrotfish and they graze algae all day, almost like Tomini tangs ... they are "reef safe with caution"

I wish when LA said something was reef safe with caution, they would also say why. Is this fish known to eat sps or inverts?

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8% shop rare & farmed corls