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Sexy's Spring Sponsored Salaciously Scandalous uhm...dangit, growout


Extreme Whippersnapper
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So have two people in so far on this (myself and SD Actuary/Scott) and have 4 spots open.

List of corals is:

JF Crazy Fox
SC Golden Superman
SC Blue Eye Flamethrower
Fallen Sun
Rainbow Magic
SC Shocker
+ A few more goodies- some from Mike/Sexycorals, a couple from yours truly (that's *ahem*, me)

way it works- each person pays Sexycorals directly, I receive the frags (should be 1 eye of each, might get a bonus on some, but expect 1 eye of each) and then proceed to stare at them REALLY hard. While staring, I'll also do some feeding, dosing, cussing, water changes, yelling, singing, feeding, etc. Once each frag hits 6 eyes, it gets rewarded with a date on the bandsaw. Each frag is then assigned to one member of the growout- any growth from that point until shipping time (depending on each persons patience for any chalices not fully grown out yet) is a bonus to that person. Once all frags are ready, they will be shipped out to the members at THEIR expense. Upside to this, if you get impatient and don't want to wait on maybe one or two of the chalices that are lagging, you can go ahead and pay me to ship out the ones that are ready, then just pay for a separate shipment when the others are ready.

Timeline: your guess is just as good as mine- expect at least half a year, we may beat that timeline, we may not- I've yet to find a way to rush nature, but I will try the yelling/cussing approach inbetween feedings (or the singing approach if noone is around...)

the "oh crud!" clause: we all know what corals are like- sometimes they don't do well. Way it works if you want to participate in this growout- if I screw up, it's my fault (so if I leave the chalice out of water overnight, if I flip it upside down, set a piece of live rock on it, etc) and will be up to me to make it right somehow- maybe by subbing another piece from my collection, by buying a new piece, or something; it'll be discussed with the group. If it's beyond my fault (heater blowing up, chalice just deciding to melt, tank busting a seam, bathtub from floor above mine falling through the floor and crushing the tank) we all collectively raise a toast of whiskey to the great Murphy in the sky,sigh and then curse out his law. Basically if it's not my fault, I can't assume responsibility- but if something like that happened, my Irish guilt complex will most likely still have me trying to make it better somehow.

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with SexyCorals, I in no way am trying to support him beyond any other sponsor here. I chose SC for this growout based upon personal experience with said company, his continual support here on the forum both of growouts like this one, as well as the general forum community- please don't read into this growout some form of bias towards SC from a R2R team member over or above any of our other sponsors here.
Disclaimer the more: R2R is in no way, as in zero, absolutely none, not even in the a+bi universe, responsible in any way for this growout, so if something goes wrong, if I go coocoo for cocoapuffs, whatever- it's not R2R's responsibility to fix or correct anything. I will send all members my phone number and email address's, so you will always be able to contact me directly if any questions/concerns/drunken longings. But seriously- want to make it clear- R2R and SexyCorals are both providing us in one way or another to make this happen, but are assuming no responsibility for anything.

Catch: you have to pay- $400 per person buy-in on this growout for the list of chalices above- not too shabby at all if you ask me, but then again, you only really need to ask yourself (or perhaps your better-half :tongue: )

If you want in- PM me. You can post in the thread if you like, but I'd prefer it if you PM'd.

any questions, please contact away- otherwise PM me and lets get this rolling!

Sexycoral's Spring Sponsored Salaciously Scandalous Growout Member Roster
1.) Drainbamage/Brian (Primary Grower)-PAID
2.) SD Actuary/Scott (Secondary/Backup Grower)-PAID
3.) Moochi-PAID
4.) Nuocman-PAID
5.) Beerman-PAID
6.) Macropora-PAID

Cheers! :bigsmile::xd::bigsmile::xd::tongue:

oh- and if you want to see the chalices, head over to SC's site here perhaps tomorrow when it's not 2:30 in the morning I'll copy and upload the pics to here... actually, just scroll down, Scott was awesome and put up the stock photo's of the chalices. The bonus's are going to be a surprise though!
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Nutramar Foods

SD Actuary

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SC Golden Superman

SC Blue Eye Flamethrower

Fallen Sun

Rainbow Magic

Crazy Fox

SC Shocker


Extreme Whippersnapper
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awesome! growout is tentatively closed pending payment by all individuals- guys, waiting for Mike to let me know he's ready for your payments (as in organized to know where the money's coming from) and then I'll PM you guys his paypal address. If we get this paid up in the next day or two, we can probably start growing Sunday or Monday.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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awesome! growout is tentatively closed pending payment by all individuals- guys, waiting for Mike to let me know he's ready for your payments (as in organized to know where the money's coming from) and then I'll PM you guys his paypal address. If we get this paid up in the next day or two, we can probably start growing Sunday or Monday.

Keep me posted... I'll pay in a heartbeat. Thanks for including me as the last leg of your group buy DB!
Nutramar Foods


Extreme Whippersnapper
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hah- more like I need to put a scorpionfish in the tank!

bumpity as we're almost totally set up, just one last person to pay in and we're fully engaged for warp speed excitement. Or something equally lavish and lackadaisically linguistically looney!
Top Shelf Aquatics
Nutramar Foods


Extreme Whippersnapper
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Lol- just walked in the door man- give me a little bit to get the phone charged up and I'll have some basic camera shots of them in the drip bucket up in an hour or two- detailed photo's to come maybe real late tonight or tomorrow- by no means am I going to rush the acclimation!

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%

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