Serpent Sea Star - Fancy Tiger Striped

reef tank 2.0

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Jul 12, 2021
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In my last tank, I had a serpent sea star for a good couple years. Up until the day I made a bonehead move and nuked my tank. Lost the sea star..sad day for me.
Until it died, it was one of my favorite tank members. I would find a piece of his arm sticking out from the rock, wave a small piece of shrimp next to it and he would come out to take it from me. then back into his hole he'd go. Although rarely out, still cool nonetheless.

Now that I am on tank 2.0, I decided to pick up another serpent today. Drip acclimated, and got him into the tank. This was right before lights came on. he was scaling the corner of the tank, half on the sand, half on the glass. then, the lights came on, and shortly after, he ran under cover. I was quickly reminded that they do not like light. I have never named my fish, but he might be the first, gonna call him Gizmo (Older folks know who this is :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes: )

I remember him hiding in my last tank.......once I was reminded today, it brought up a question....
what is it with bright lights that the serpent sea star does not like? Can anyone answer this?

