Serious question about next step


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Jan 15, 2024
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Hi guys, I am texting today because I am seeking for advice on three crucial topic: light, flow, algae.

Before starting, a quick introduction to my 30g AIO tank. It's a 9month mixed reef (most lps/soft) and everything seems thriving.

I am very strict with maintenance and cleaning. Weekly water changes, dosing according ICP tests, lots of care.

Ph 8.2
No3: 8ppm
Po4: 0.04ppm
Alk 8.2-8.4
Ca: 450
Mg: 1470
Temp: 78,8f or 26c





I am sure the most of you will say: "let the tank be and do not touch the ecosystem".

I am using one radion xr15 g6 blue on lps/soft mobius preset at 30% intensity. My light has 1hr ramp up and 1hr ramp down + 6 hr steady photoperiod for a total of 8hr photoperiod. Now my question: every time I try to increase light intensity even of 1-2% weekly or extend the photoperiod even of 1 hour more, I start getting green algae on my sand bed and the tank just looks dirtier. This happens literally the same day I do the change. Then I gott scared and I always go back to my initial settings. How can I handle this without messing up? Corals can handle about 12hr photoperiod so I think I am not maximising their full potential. I hope you get my point.

Flow: Filtration turnover vs circulation turnover

Right now, I decreased my filtration turnover from 6x to 4,5x because I read the skimmer will work better and it has the chance to slowly clean more water. What's your thought here? Again, issue is when I slow down the return pump, I have much less surface agitation and I just don't like it.

Regarding the circulation turnover, despite my two nero 3 are at 15% both in pulse mode, they give me a crazy 54x circulation turnover on mobius app which is quite high since I don't have sps (Just a stylopora). What's the best approach?

Algae: As mentioned before, I am getting so much coralline algae on pump, back tank and rocks which is very nice. I clean my glass daily or every 2 days because it gets a lot of brown/green stains. And the sand in general is getting greener. I also vacuum my sand bed once every 2 weeks. Any tips?

Thank you guys, have a lovely day!


The Dude Abides
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I do get your point. Truly I do. And you pretty much called it. At least from my perspective. Your corals look like they're thriving. Clean water. Really, just an excellent looking tank. People have the propensity to mess with things, always with the intent to create a better version of what they have. It's human nature. But you look to have balance.

You're numbers look great. Are you getting coral growth? If so, I'd leave it well enough alone.