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Seller Dispute with Huynhter_Soldier (Avoid)


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I recently purchased a Dosing Pump from Huynhter_Soldier. The unit arrived looking fine, but did not connect to any device or show any signals. After weeks of testing (on my own and at the sellers ask), the unit is still non-functional. I asked to send the unit back (me paying for return shipping as he paid for initial shipping) in the same condition I received it in. The seller denied my request and instead offered for me to send it and if he can confirm it is broken he will give me only half back. He said that he does not want to be out money for a broken unit.... Anyways, just putting this here as a warning, no matter how many sales the seller claims to have done before they can still send you broken equipment and refuse to rectify the issue. My overall thoughts on this seller are poor, and later in our messages the seller resorted to personal and political attacks. If possible I would avoid this seller especially for higher value items as they will be unwilling to return your money in the event you have a real issue. At the very least use paypal so you can refund in the event they send a defective product. They had good initial follow up, but things went downhill the second I asked for my money back.

I will follow up with only the facts, and all conversation screenshots on R2R. We did talk briefly over the phone and via text, but nothing that would add to this dispute.
Everything presented below can be backed up on R2R by text message exchange with buyer. I have not posted anything publicly and tried very hard to get the buyer to rectify the broken unit putting us both at a loss of shipping cost. I am newer to the forum and have sold some items and made purchases in the past and not experienced any issues. My ideal resolution would be to ship the unit back to the seller at my cost, get a full refund for the price of the unit. We would both be out shipping costs and the seller would have the same unit they sent out originally.

The Doser is a Coral Box 4 head doser which the seller listed for $100.
I first contacted the seller on 9/19/22 inquiring about the doser.
We have gone back and forth up until today, with mostly R2R communication.
I purchased the unit using venmo as the seller claimed paypal had "jacked" him over in the past.
The unit arrived on time and looked like the pictures.
The unit was tested and does not function with my current phones.
Troubleshooted with multiple devices at 3 locations (18 total devices) between family, friends, and old stuff.
We also had a short troubleshooting phonecall together, and I also contacted a original new seller of the device for help but received a pretty cut and paste response about trying the reset button. (To be fair they did not sell me the unit so I did not expect them to be of help or honor multi year defective products)
I finally had enough as I felt like I was running in circles, and asked the seller to take the doser back for a full refund.
The seller stated that if I returned it and it did not work, he did not want a broken device and would still keep half my money.
Communications devolved from there, and now I am on the seller feedback.
As of 10/9/22 The seller has stopped communication with me, and told me to "Kick Rocks".
All conversation on R2R will be posted below, with private information blacked out.
I have highlighted some "key" moments.

















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Mods, if there is any personal information I need to remove please let me know. I am sharing this to help others avoid potential scams or losing money on defective products as I have. My last picture seems to have double posted but I would rather not edit my original post. I am sure the seller has had legitimate deals in the past as I also have, but this particular interaction left a sour taste. Tagging him as well so that he has a chance to respond if he chooses to.
This was my experience with the seller and I am happy to answer any questions or show further proof if needed.


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I would like for you to paint the whole picture for everyone. From the start I was there all the way to help all I could. It wasn't until weeks after is when you told me you still couldn't get it to work and I offered what I did and ask what your suggestion was. That is when you turned around and accused me of multiple things, said I was giving you the run around this whole time etc. I've sold to many people and I've never had 1 complaint and always been helpful and made sure things were good just as I have with you. From trying to walk you through how I got it to link up. It isnt my fault I use and Android so I cannot speak for iPhone. But I test everything I sell and wouldn't sell a defective product like you keep claiming. I swear to God it was tested right before being packed and shipped. I answered everytime you messaged or called in a timely manner. Probably faster then anyone would. But you are the one that started accusing me of things. I don't think anyone would really take that well and that's when I went into defense mode. Then you continued to accuse me of things while you're saying you were trying to be nice. How does that work. That's when I got fed up with you. You could ask everyone that I've ever sold to or engages in a tran
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Engaged in a Transaction that it has always been smooth and no problem. On here and in real life. Never once I've have been accused of all this and then you assuming all this other stuff. That's when I drew the line and said you know what, I'm not even going to bother with you anymore. You can say what you want to but there is a lot more to the picture.


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Guys- unfortunately this is between buyer and seller and per rules we really cant comment. While I see issues with return, work it out amicably.
Buyer- If you paid paypal or via credit card, file dispute with them.
Hope you both work it out.


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Engaged in a Transaction that it has always been smooth and no problem. On here and in real life. Never once I've have been accused of all this and then you assuming all this other stuff. That's when I drew the line and said you know what, I'm not even going to bother with you anymore. You can say what you want to but there is a lot more to the p

I would like for you to paint the whole picture for everyone. From the start I was there all the way to help all I could. It wasn't until weeks after is when you told me you still couldn't get it to work and I offered what I did and ask what your suggestion was. That is when you turned around and accused me of multiple things, said I was giving you the run around this whole time etc. I've sold to many people and I've never had 1 complaint and always been helpful and made sure things were good just as I have with you. From trying to walk you through how I got it to link up. It isnt my fault I use and Android so I cannot speak for iPhone. But I test everything I sell and wouldn't sell a defective product like you keep claiming. I swear to God it was tested right before being packed and shipped. I answered everytime you messaged or called in a timely manner. Probably faster then anyone would. But you are the one that started accusing me of things. I don't think anyone would really take that well and that's when I went into defense mode. Then you continued to accuse me of things while you're saying you were trying to be nice. How does that work. That's when I got fed up with you. You could ask everyone that I've ever sold to or engages in a tran
I would be very interested if you could point out where I called you a scammer before you stated that if the item does not work you will not be giving me a full refund. If you recieved an item that does not work and the seller says to bad so sad I am keeping part of the money what would you call it? It took multiple weeks for me to ask for a refund because you were giving me the run around. If having me try almost 20 devices, contact 3rd party sources, and delaying any talk of fault is not run around I do not know what else to call it. You say you tested the product and I believed you so I follow all processes asked of me before coming to the conclusion that I was sent a broken unit. Working with you on my own time for a broken device is being nice, and it was only because of your earlier communication that I even went that far. I literally took this device to a room of 10+ people and had everyone try and connect. Not sure why I would do that if I did not believe your story. Shipping the device back to you for the full refund was also being nice as now I am out shipping costs and you get the same device back that was sent. If there is more to the picture post it. There is not, it is all here. At this point I have a broken device that arrived broken, am out $100, and you have my money for something that does not work as promised. Now I have to go through venmo to get a full refund once they return the money from your account which they said can take multiple weeks, so yes I also wanted to ship it back so that I could get my money back faster from you. I am sure you have other smooth transactions as stated in my original post, which if you go back and read it I specifically state the trouble started when you refused to refund me for a device that arrived broken.


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Guys- unfortunately this is between buyer and seller and per rules we really cant comment. While I see issues with return, work it out amicably.
Buyer- If you paid paypal or via credit card, file dispute with them.
Hope you both work it out.
Absoultely figured I would not get any replies, more of a warning to potential buyers. Can't imagine receiving an actual high value item broken only for the seller to keep the money. Money was sent through Venmo but after speaking to their rep it sounds like it will be relitivly painless to get the money back but they said it can take a while even if the process is simple. At that point I will have a moral delima of whether or not to send the unit back as the shoe will be on the other foot.


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I would be very interested if you could point out where I called you a scammer before you stated that if the item does not work you will not be giving me a full refund. If you recieved an item that does not work and the seller says to bad so sad I am keeping part of the money what would you call it? It took multiple weeks for me to ask for a refund because you were giving me the run around. If having me try almost 20 devices, contact 3rd party sources, and delaying any talk of fault is not run around I do not know what else to call it. You say you tested the product and I believed you so I follow all processes asked of me before coming to the conclusion that I was sent a broken unit. Working with you on my own time for a broken device is being nice, and it was only because of your earlier communication that I even went that far. I literally took this device to a room of 10+ people and had everyone try and connect. Not sure why I would do that if I did not believe your story. Shipping the device back to you for the full refund was also being nice as now I am out shipping costs and you get the same device back that was sent. If there is more to the picture post it. There is not, it is all here. At this point I have a broken device that arrived broken, am out $100, and you have my money for something that does not work as promised. Now I have to go through venmo to get a full refund once they return the money from your account which they said can take multiple weeks, so yes I also wanted to ship it back so that I could get my money back faster from you. I am sure you have other smooth transactions as stated in my original post, which if you go back and read it I specifically state the trouble started when you refused to refund me for a device that arrived broken.
Here we go again accusing me of giving you the run around. Working with me on your own time? What time do you think I'm running on? I was there when you messaged, I told you to call and we talked. I even messaged to see if you got it to link and didn't get a response back for couple of days. I tried walking you through it and how i got it to work. Then don't hear anything for days again. But in my head I thought I was trying to help and then also tried to figure out other methods but like I said it wasn't until I made my suggestion is when you did a complete flip. Yes, you accused me of scamming after coming up with your own assumptions saying I was looking for another doser when I had a perfectly fine one. I never looked for a doser. The KH director has a doser so it can run the test, not to dose the supplement since I'm going to be running a calcium reactor. It seems like I have to break down step by step on what I'm doing and either way you wouldn't understand and would still continue to accuse and assume things. It goes on and on with you, you are trying to make me look like the bad guy when in my 11 years in this hobby I've never had a problem with one transaction I've ever done. From buying or selling, and I've never been accused or the things you did in just a short amount of time. Like I said, I don't think anyone would deal with that and most people would go into defense mode. As a combat veteran, I'm for dang sure going to go into defense mode. I tried to make suggestions and even I asked what would you think as an option if you go back and look at the messages that you posted. But no, you turned around and then started accusing etc. I'm done with you.


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Here we go again accusing me of giving you the run around. Working with me on your own time? What time do you think I'm running on? I was there when you messaged, I told you to call and we talked. I even messaged to see if you got it to link and didn't get a response back for couple of days. I tried walking you through it and how i got it to work. Then don't hear anything for days again. But in my head I thought I was trying to help and then also tried to figure out other methods but like I said it wasn't until I made my suggestion is when you did a complete flip. Yes, you accused me of scamming after coming up with your own assumptions saying I was looking for another doser when I had a perfectly fine one. I never looked for a doser. The KH director has a doser so it can run the test, not to dose the supplement since I'm going to be running a calcium reactor. It seems like I have to break down step by step on what I'm doing and either way you wouldn't understand and would still continue to accuse and assume things. It goes on and on with you, you are trying to make me look like the bad guy when in my 11 years in this hobby I've never had a problem with one transaction I've ever done. From buying or selling, and I've never been accused or the things you did in just a short amount of time. Like I said, I don't think anyone would deal with that and most people would go into defense mode. As a combat veteran, I'm for dang sure going to go into defense mode. I tried to make suggestions and even I asked what would you think as an option if you go back and look at the messages that you posted. But no, you turned around and then started accusing etc. I'm done with you.
You are correct in assume most people would not ask me to troubleshoot for 3 weeks straight. Most sellers would ask for the device back and issue a refund. I have not asked you to break down your process, I have asked you for my money back for a defective unit. I am not sure how being a combat veteran is relevant seeing as I have talked to many veterans before who are entirely pleasant people who do not run around calling other names and bringing up politics online to try and make a point. You did make a suggestion, for me to pay for your broken unit, which I refused and asked for a full refund. I am sorry but you 11 years of experience does not mean anything to this specific situation. I too have been buying and selling things for forever, and when I sell something that does not work I refund it as everyone does. This information is only public accusation here because we could not come to an agreement, and it is unfortunate as now I have to wait for Venmo to resolve the issue and send my money back. I waited weeks to try and resolve it with you, and did not get any other party involved until it became clear you had the inention to keep my money and leave me with nothing. If you want the unit back after Venmo issues my refund let me know...I am not in self defense mode and do not hold grudges, and am happy to send it back your way out of my pocket as it was my original ask. The fact that you see yourself as bending over backwards on this when I too have been involved every second of the way and offered to spend money to get you the doser back speaks volumes. If you change your mind let me know, but for anyone else reading I have gone through Venmo and will be taking the refund once offered from them unless I hear otherwise from the seller.


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Man, I have literally nothing to say to you after this anymore. There is no point of me trying to explain because either way you think your 100% correct. You're time is the most precious time and no one's else time is either. Me waiting for days for a response is me the one that's been giving the run around. And yes, being a combat vet is a lot different then being a vet period. And yes being in this hobby that long and never having a problem does matter. It goes on and on and on but either way you're right. Everything you say is right, your time is also more important then everyone else's, your assumptions is always right. Everything you do in life is right. You happy now? I'm not going to respond anymore so you can write your last message after this as well because it seems like you just like to talk and have the last word on anything. Have a good evening and good luck to you. Goodbye!


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View attachment 2858236

Uhh @Huynhter_Soldier

You are not allowed to ask for unprotected forms of payment.

TOS violated? :thinking-face:

I honestly did not read passed that as it doesn't matter. It should not have been asked.
Yes, that was the only mistake I've done only because issues with PayPal with my business account is why I shut them down then I reopened a venmo account because the last card was linked to a joint account with my newly divorce wife which is why that has been acting up since I opened a new bank account with the same bank and venmo said I had a prior account is why the funds just sits there which has finally been resolved. My PayPal business account was link to my nail salon with the ex which we are no longer together and I don't have that business anymore.


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View attachment 2858236

Uhh @Huynhter_Soldier

You are not allowed to ask for unprotected forms of payment.

TOS violated? :thinking-face:

Here it says that venmo protection can be turned on. Was it?

What do you mean venmo protection turned on? I don't think so since I just reopened this account and had to link my debit card and bank account to new account
Nutramar Foods


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Man, I have literally nothing to say to you after this anymore. There is no point of me trying to explain because either way you think your 100% correct. You're time is the most precious time and no one's else time is either. Me waiting for days for a response is me the one that's been giving the run around. And yes, being a combat vet is a lot different then being a vet period. And yes being in this hobby that long and never having a problem does matter. It goes on and on and on but either way you're right. Everything you say is right, your time is also more important then everyone else's, your assumptions is always right. Everything you do in life is right. You happy now? I'm not going to respond anymore so you can write your last message after this as well because it seems like you just like to talk and have the last word on anything. Have a good evening and good luck to you. Goodbye!
This is what I am talking about with giving me the run around. Instead of talking about the refund we are now off on a tangent about time. Time is irrelevant to this conversation. We have both spent it and achieved nothing. My only issue is that I have a broken unit from you and you have my money. Instead of addressing the issue, talking about why or why not you won't issue a refund, or trying to move the conversation along, you choose to once again assert your veteran status, make another personal remark, and avoid talking about the unit or issue at all. This should not be a personal conversation, it should be a conversation about a non working dosing pump that I paid for. I am sorry you do not like the work scam and I intentionally avoided using it here, but what would you call it if a stranger sold you something that did not work and kept the money?


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Maybe consider refunding then since you used a form of payment not allowed that could make you lose marketplace access.

Honestly, I had this same thing happen tbh... sold a doser and legit MONTHS later someone told me it didn't work. I just refunded it. I didn't even make them send it back. Who needs the karma. Maybe it broke in shipping, y'kno?
If it broke in transit then it had a $100 insurance on it. But from the time I tested it the night prior it all checked out fine. From linking up, testing every channel through the app it all checked out fine. I am not in thw wrong besides taking payment not through PayPal. Everything else I've always been a squared away. This guy can say whatever which he has been and when I came up with the suggestion of how to move forward is when he did the complete flip on me. Then to say that I've been giving him the run around like I didn't get back to him asap, try to walk him through, tried to see what other options it could be was a shocker and then he accusation and assumptions. I know I'm not in the wrong and I stand by it.


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If it broke in transit then it had a $100 insurance on it. But from the time I tested it the night prior it all checked out fine. From linking up, testing every channel through the app it all checked out fine. I am not in thw wrong besides taking payment not through PayPal. Everything else I've always been a squared away. This guy can say whatever which he has been and when I came up with the suggestion of how to move forward is when he did the complete flip on me. Then to say that I've been giving him the run around like I didn't get back to him asap, try to walk him through, tried to see what other options it could be was a shocker and then he accusation and assumptions. I know I'm not in the wrong and I stand by it.
The complete flip you talk about is my reaction to you admitting that if the unit is returned and does not work that you would not be refunding the full amount. Being out $70 because a seller either knowingly sent a broken unit or the unit broke in transit is not moving forward for the buyer when the unit is only $100. The run around is not about the seconds between messages, but rather the hoops I have had to jump through to get you to admit the unit may be broken. Yes I should have asked for a refund within hours of it not working, but I tried to work with you together to resolve it. I am not just saying whatever, I have linked full conversation history.
Nutramar Foods


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I honestly did not read any of what he posted as I stopped when I saw you asked for venmo. I don't think it really matters as it is just a he said/she said (I was going to read for the popcorn but it is really long) but rules are rules :) I am not a mod though.

$100 insurance doesn't do him any good. It is the one who bought the label/insurance, typically the seller. He can not do anything with it.
Really? Thanks for that.


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Update from Venmo- Not great News
There was some back and forth answering questions, providing proof and dates to Venmo. As of today they sent me a long email but this was the main portion.

“Unfortunately, based on the information you've provided, it sounds like the person you were transacting with did not fulfill their end of the transaction. For resolution, we recommend that you reach out to the recipient of the payment, as we are not able to provide reimbursement or mediation when a purchase is made without purchase protection.

If you are unable to contact this person, you may consider filing a report with your local law enforcement agency. Law enforcement can send a request for information to [email protected]. Once we've received this request, we will be more than happy to assist the agency with their investigation.”

Unfortunately it looks like as the transaction was a gift and not through purchase protection, Venmo does not want much part in the dispute. I will be following up with them for additional steps, but take this as a reminder to never send a payment through personal and unsecured payment apps, and run for the hills if those are the only forms of payment the seller offers. I will update as new information pops up, but for now I still stand by my original verdict that I have been scammed and to avoid this seller. The seller has been responsive only to further solidify their position on keeping my money, and has admitted on multiple occasions that even if the unit is non working I will not get a full refund. I can’t help but think that this entire situation could have been avoid if I would have just ghosted after the seller said they had issues with PayPal. Live and learn, after paying $175 total for dosers I now own a working Jebao DP-4!

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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