rodi flow rate question

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david campbell

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not allot of flow for 60 psi. pre membrane filters look clean. my rodi set up is
5 micron sediment into
1m carbon, into
.5 micron carbon, then throught the
presure gauge reading 60 psi, passing over the
tds metter, reading of 2, then on to the
2 month old 90g spectrum membrane then into
cation resin then into the
Anion resinthen running about 50feet to my rodi container

anyideas as to why i just have a drip instead of a small stream?


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My guess would be a combination of low pressure along with what is likely low water temps (guessing based on time of the year). If your pressure is normally higher than 60 then it may be time to change your pre filters if you haven’t recently.
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not allot of flow for 60 psi. pre membrane filters look clean. my rodi set up is
5 micron sediment into
1m carbon, into
.5 micron carbon, then throught the
presure gauge reading 60 psi, passing over the
tds metter, reading of 2, then on to the
2 month old 90g spectrum membrane then into
cation resin then into the
Anion resinthen running about 50feet to my rodi container

anyideas as to why i just have a drip instead of a small stream?
Whats your product to waste ratio?

Even though the pre filter looks clean, do you know if you've had a pressure drop while using them?

Do you know if you have chlorine in your tap water?
david campbell

david campbell

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pre filters are and memnbranes are 2 months old. no cholrine i have test strips.. its been in the mid 60'd here the past few days. I would upload a video but for some reason I'm required to record in silent movie, black and white format. lol... I mean really... why is this problem still around? since phones are going to a bizzlion mega pixels seems we would want to keep up. sorry SQUIRRAL. LOL
david campbell

david campbell

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pre filters are and memnbranes are 2 months old. no cholrine i have test strips.. its been in the mid 60'd here the past few days.


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pre filters are and memnbranes are 2 months old. no cholrine i have test strips.. its been in the mid 60'd here the past few days. I would upload a video but for some reason I'm required to record in silent, black and white format. lol... I mean really... why is this problem still around?

Also, do you know your waste to product water ratio? This should tell you if you are still in an acceptable range.
The way i have my flow restrictor adjusted it ranges from 6:1 in the winter and 4:1 in the summer. West coast california.
david campbell

david campbell

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I will figure that out later this evening, but its not something i calulate everytime i make water so i do not know the answer i only know the age of all filters and membrane and that is 2 months..
i do not believe i had this problem that i remember when i was running a 20m sediemnt filter, into a 5 micron cabon block, then into a 1 micron carbon in running a 5m sediement into a 1 micron carbon blockinto a .5 carbon block.


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I will figure that out later this evening, but its not something i calulate everytime i make water so i do not know the answer i only know the age of all filters and membrane and that is 2 months..
i do not believe i had this problem that i remember when i was running a 20m sediemnt filter, into a 5 micron cabon block, then into a 1 micron carbon in running a 5m sediement into a 1 micron carbon blockinto a .5 carbon block.
It absolutely doesnt need to be done evertime you make water but when you set it up, you should have done some calculations to be able to size your flow restrictor properly. Some are lucky enough to not need any adjustments.
A 4:1 - 6:1 ratio with a single membrane is the sweetspot for effeciency and production.

Its a great piece of information to know in cases like this.

Going back to your micron size for filters, any particular reason you are filtering this way? So you know what your pressure is at the spigot without any filteration attached? You can disconnect your membrane and canisters one by one while turning on the water to see if it changes at all between them. Then youll know whats slowing it down.
david campbell

david campbell

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source water pressure.

here is a pre resin flow

here is post resin flow

flow at my rodi containers

I'm wondering if my plastic float switch is clogged. I blew it out with air
but it did not improve. that float is several years old..

why am I filtering this way?
no real reason. I mean brs method is 5 micron, 5 micron carbon and .5 micron carbon.. so why do they propose that? I don't really know. I have made a gallon and it's 3 hrs later. lol 54 more to go.

as for spigot pressure. I don't know that either.
I do know. I can blow a hole in the dirt 1 foot deep in seconds at the hose end. water still test at 0 cholrine. so carbon is working.
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source water pressure.
View attachment 3023094

here is a pre resin flow

View attachment 3023077

here is post resin flow
View attachment 3023078

flow at my rodi containers View attachment 3023079

I'm wondering if my plastic float switch is clogged. I blew it out with air
but it did not improve. that float is several years old..

why am I filtering this way?
no real reason. I mean brs method is 5 micron, 5 micron carbon and .5 micron carbon.. so why do they propose that? I don't really know. I have made a gallon and it's 3 hrs later. lol 54 more to go.

as for spigot pressure. I don't know that either.
I do know. I can blow a hole in the dirt 1 foot deep in seconds at the hose end. water still test at 0 cholrine. so carbon is working.

It sounds like you really need to re-evaluate your system and hone in on the information that matters to keep it running correctly.

We dont really have enough information to go on and essentially just throwing darts in the dark with the small amount of info provided by you.

You should start by knowing what your homes water pressure is. Followed by measuring any pressure drop across any of the prefilters/carbon filters. This can be done with the single gauge on your RODI unit.

After that, hook up your membrane and measure psi again if it drops, theres a hint.

Then measure your waste ratio to product ratio. If its not between 4:1 and 6:1 you need to adjust your flow restrictor.
david campbell

david campbell

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reevaluate my entire set up? --sometimes it not that complex. flow has been reduced. first determine if there is a blockage... I really enjoy reading the overly complicated approaches. they are useful.

Is the info I have received accurate? yes, it is. thank you, Yawl know your stuff.


I have read so many overly complicated approaches to things over the years in here, they make me laugh sometimes. ---- for example

Question: my floor squeaks by the door when I step on it --- ANSWER: tear out the entire sub floor of your home and start over--- YALL KNOW IM TELL THE TRUTH.

I mean reevaluate my entire set up that’s been running strong for years. LOL. good one. how about i just find the blockage. if no blockage then YES. time to reevaluate.

oh, and by the way...found it. the hole in the 5-year-old float swith that allows water thru, was caked up with some type of deposit. could barely see thru it. soaked in some citric acid overnight and now it’s right as rain. so, a clogged float Switch was the problem. flow has been restored. LOL. have a good day eveyone thanks for the advise.
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reevaluate my entire set up? --sometimes it not that complex. flow has been reduced. first determine if there is a blockage... I really enjoy reading the overly complicated approaches. they are useful.

Is the info I have received accurate? yes, it is. thank you, Yawl know your stuff.


I have read so many overly complicated approaches to things over the years in here, they make me laugh sometimes. ---- for example

Question: my floor squeaks by the door when I step on it --- ANSWER: tear out the entire sub floor of your home and start over--- YALL KNOW IM TELL THE TRUTH.

I mean reevaluate my entire set up that’s been running strong for years. LOL. good one. how about i just find the blockage. if no blockage then YES. time to reevaluate.

oh, and by the way...found it. the hole in the 5-year-old float swith that allows water thru, was caked up with some type of deposit. could barely see thru it. soaked in some citric acid overnight and now it’s right as rain. so, a clogged float Switch was the problem. flow has been restored. LOL. have a good day eveyone thanks for the advise.
Sorry nobody was able to piece together your puzzle with the initial given information.
Glad you sorted it out yourself with a little bit of diligence.


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david campbell

david campbell

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love that meme saltyreef.. always hard to tell everyone every little detail... no one want to read a 10,000 word post.. ive also tried that in the past it did not go so well...ill try To do better.
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