RODI DIY system 1000ppm well water


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Aug 15, 2024
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Hello everyone, I’m brand spanking new to this forum. I have spent the last couple of weeks researching and learning about rodi. I’m making my own system and wanted some feedback and opinions from people with more knowledge. I have well water with 1000ppm. I know… I live in deep sout texas and our water is extremely hard. Please disregard the labels on the filters. Im making this system so i can have spot free water when washing my cars. (Im crazy Ik). Im of course aiming for 0ppm. Here’s my current setup and what I’m shooting for.
From top right to top left, then down to the top RO to the bottom RO then to the blue filters from left to right.
1. 35 micron sediment filter
2. 5 micron sediment filter
3. Carbon filter
4. Either another carbon filter or more water softener not sure
5. Water softener resin (bought a huge bag of purolite water softer from an auction for $15 so I figured why not and I hear it saves the ro membranes)
6. Ro membrane
7. Ro membrane
8. Di resin
9. DI resin
10. DI resin
Now, I understand I’m probably a bit overkill but with 1000ppm water it doesn’t matter to me lols. I also understand the carbon filter and water softener may actually increase tds. I also have a booster pump on the way.
My questions are,
Should I do 1 or two ro membranes?
Should I do 3 mixed bed di cartridges or 2 separate and one mixed? Do I need a flow restrictor after the first or second ro membrane? What size flow restrictor? Should I run them in a series or parallel? Am I missing anything in my setup? I have a 2 stage tds meter I plan on putting inline after my RO and after my DI resin.
Thank you for your input!
